Use and Occupancy Payments Sample Clauses

Use and Occupancy Payments. Any monies received by Landlord from or on behalf of Tenant during the pendency of any proceeding of the types referred to in Section 18.1 herein shall be deemed paid as compensation for the use and occupation of the Premises, and the acceptance of any such compensation by Landlord shall not be deemed an acceptance of Rent or a waiver on the part of Landlord of any rights under Article 18 herein.
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Use and Occupancy Payments. During the continuance of any Event of Default and pending the exercise by Mortgagee of its right to exclude Mortgagor from all or any part of the Premises, unless Mortgagor is legally entitled to continue possession of the Premises, Mortgagor agrees to pay to Mortgagee the fair and reasonable rental value, which amount shall be determined by the Mortgagee in its reasonable judgment, for the use and occupancy of the Premises or any portion thereof which are in its possession for such period and, upon default of any such payment, will, subject to the Prior Mortgage, vacate and surrender possession of the Premises to Mortgagee or to a receiver, if any, and in default thereof may be evicted by any summary action or proceeding for the recovery of possession of the Premises for non-payment of rent, however designated. Any payments received under this Section 2.09 by Mortgagee shall be applied in accordance with Section 2.03(k) of this Mortgage.
Use and Occupancy Payments. During the continuance of any Event of Default and pending the exercise by Beneficiary and Trustee of their rights to exclude Trustor from all or any part of the Premises, unless Trustor is legally entitled to continue possession of the Premises, Trustor agrees to pay to Beneficiary the fair and reasonable rental value, which amount shall be determined by the Beneficiary in its reasonable judgement, for the use and occupancy of the Premises or any portion thereof which are in its possession for such period and, upon default of any such payment, will vacate and surrender possession of the Premises to Beneficiary or Trustee or to a receiver, if any, and in default thereof may be evicted by any summary action or proceeding for the recovery of possession of the Premises for non-payment of rent, however designated. Any payments received under this Section 2.09 by Beneficiary shall be applied in accordance with Section 2.03(k) of this Deed of Trust.
Use and Occupancy Payments. During the continuance of any Event of Default and pending the exercise by Beneficiary and Trustee of their rights to exclude Trustor from all or any part of the Premises, unless Trustor is legally entitled to continue possession of the Premises, Trustor agrees to pay the fair and reasonable rental value for the use and occupancy of the Premises or any portion thereof which are in its possession for such period and, upon default of any such payment, will vacate and surrender possession of the Premises to Beneficiary or Trustee or to a receiver, if any, and in default thereof may be evicted by any summary action or proceeding for the recovery of possession of the Premises for non-payment of rent, however designated. Such rental obligation by the Trustor shall be determined by the extent that the Secured Obligations have been deemed to have been reduced (the "Reduction). It is agreed that the fair and reasonable rental value for use and occupancy of the Premises may be difficult or impossible to ascertain; therefore, Trustor and Beneficiary hereby agree that the fair and reasonable rental value shall in no event be less than an amount equal to the debt service on the Reduction. Any payments received by Beneficiary shall be applied in accordance with Section 2.03(k) of this Deed of Trust.
Use and Occupancy Payments. During the continuance of any Event of Default and pending the exercise by Mortgagee of its right to exclude Mortgagor from all or any part of the Premises, unless Mortgagor is legally entitled to continue possession of the Premises, Mortgagor agrees to pay the fair and reasonable rental value for the use and occupancy of the Premises or any portion thereof which are in its possession for such period and, upon default of any such payment, will vacate and surrender possession of the Premises to Mortgagee or to a receiver, if any, and in default thereof may be evicted by any summary action or proceeding for the recovery of possession of the Premises for non-payment of rent, however designated. Such rental obligation by the Mortgagor shall be determined by the extent that the Secured Obligations have been deemed to have been reduced (the "Reduction"). It is agreed that the fair and reasonable rental value for use and occupancy of the Premises may be difficult or impossible to ascertain; therefore, Mortgagor and Mortgagee hereby agree that the fair and reasonable rental value shall in no event be less than an amount equal to the debt service on the Reduction. Any payments received by Mortgagee shall be applied in accordance with Section 2.03(k) of this Mortgage.
Use and Occupancy Payments. Upon the foreclosure of this Mortgage, unless Borrower is legally entitled to continue possession of the Premises, Borrower agrees to pay the fair and reasonable rental value for the use and occupancy of the Premises or any portion thereof which are in its possession for such period (other than the use of a management office if the Administrative Agent has requested the continued services of one or both of the Managers, for which no use and occupancy payments will be payable) and, upon default of any such payment, will vacate and surrender possession of the Premises to Administrative Agent or to a receiver, if any, and in default thereof may be evicted by any summary action or proceeding for the recovery of possession of the Premises for non-payment of rent, however designated. It is agreed that the fair and reasonable rental value for use and occupancy of the Premises may be difficult or impossible to ascertain; therefore, Borrower and Administrative Agent hereby agree that the fair and reasonable rental value shall in no event be less than an amount equal to the debt service on the Loan less any Net Operating Income generated by the Premises and paid to Administrative Agent. Any payments received by Administrative Agent shall be applied in accordance with Section 5.2(k) above.
Use and Occupancy Payments. Any monies received by Landlord from or on behalf of Tenant during the pendency of any proceeding of the types referred to in said subsections (a) and (b) of Section 14.01 shall be deemed paid as compensation for the use and occupation of the Premises and the acceptance of any such compensation by Landlord shall not be deemed an acceptance of rent or a waiver on the part of Landlord of any rights under Section 14.01.
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Related to Use and Occupancy Payments

  • USE AND OCCUPANCY Tenant covenants that no waste shall be committed upon or to the Leased Property; that the Leased Property shall be used for the purpose herein above stated, and shall not be used or permitted to be used for any other purpose; that the Leased Property shall not be used for any unlawful purpose and no violations of law or ordinance shall be committed thereon; that no intoxicating beverages shall be sold, served or stored illegally upon or from the Leased Property; and that nothing shall be done or suffered or any substance kept on the Leased Property which will operate to increase the fire hazard or to cause the insurance rates thereon to be increased. Tenant shall not abuse walls, ceilings, partitions, floors, wood, stone and brick, and iron work; nor use plumbing and electrical wiring for any purpose other than that for which constructed; nor create, maintain, or permit a nuisance therein; nor do any act tending to injure the reputation of the Park. Tenant shall not perform any acts nor carry on any practices which may injure the Leased Property or be a nuisance or menace to other tenants in the Park, and shall store all trash and garbage within the Leased Property, or within containers provided for regular city pickup. If the amount of trash and garbage is too excessive for regular city pickup, Tenant will arrange for pickup and cartage of all excess trash and garbage at Tenant’s expense. Tenant shall not burn any trash or garbage at any time in or about the Leased Property or anywhere else in the Park; provided, however, that Landlord may in its sole discretion permit the burning of trash on the Leased Property or incinerators to be furnished by Tenant and approved by Landlord. Tenant shall at all times during the Lease Term comply with all statutes, municipal and police regulations, and ordinances of Federal, State, City and County governments and agencies or other public authority directed against or in any way affecting the Leased Property or Tenant’s business conducted therein. Tenant shall not permit (a) any release of any hazardous substance from the Leased Property; (b) any unlawful, harmful or improper discharge from the Leased Property into the surrounding atmosphere or into the sewers, drains and waterways on or adjacent to the Leased Property, or the groundwater thereunder; (c) any harmful or improper disposal of liquid or solid waste (hazardous or otherwise) generated on, stored at or transported from the Leased Property. As used in this Section, the terms "hazardous substance," "release" and "removal" shall have the same meaning and definition as set forth in paragraphs (14), (22) and (23), respectively, of 42 U.S.C. § 9601 and in I.C. 13-7-8.7-1: provided, however, that the term "hazardous substance" as used herein also shall include "hazardous waste" (as defined in paragraph (5) of 42 U.S.C. § 6903) and "petroleum" (as defined in paragraph (8) of 42 U.S.C. § 6991).

  • Early Occupancy If Tenant occupies the Property prior to the Commencement Date, Tenant's occupancy of the Property shall be subject to all of the provisions of this Lease. Early occupancy of the Property shall not advance the expiration date of this Lease. Tenant shall pay Base Rent and all other charges specified in this Lease for the early occupancy period.

  • Occupancy The Assuming Institution shall give the Receiver fifteen (15) days’ prior written notice of its intention to vacate prior to vacating any leased Bank Premises with respect to which the Assuming Institution has not exercised the option provided in Section 4.6(b). Any such notice shall be deemed to terminate the Assuming Institution’s option with respect to such leased Bank Premises.

  • Landlord’s Fees Whenever Tenant requests Landlord to take any action not required of it hereunder or give any consent required or permitted under this Lease, Tenant will reimburse Landlord for Landlord’s reasonable, out-of-pocket costs payable to third parties and incurred by Landlord in reviewing the proposed action or consent, including reasonable attorneys’, engineers’ or architects’ fees, within thirty (30) days after Landlord’s delivery to Tenant of a statement of such costs. Tenant will be obligated to make such reimbursement without regard to whether Landlord consents to any such proposed action.

  • Tenant’s Payments Each and every payment and expenditure, other than Annual Fixed Rent, shall be deemed to be Additional Rent hereunder, whether or not the provisions requiring payment of such amounts specifically so state, and shall be payable, unless otherwise provided in this Lease, within ten (10) days after written demand by Landlord, and in the case of the non-payment of any such amount, Landlord shall have, in addition to all of its other rights and remedies, all the rights and remedies available to Landlord hereunder or by law in the case of non-payment of Annual Fixed Rent. Unless expressly otherwise provided in this Lease, the performance and observance by Tenant of all the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease to be performed and observed by Tenant shall be at Tenant’s sole cost and expense. If Tenant has not objected to any statement of Additional Rent which is rendered by Landlord to Tenant within ninety (90) days after Landlord has rendered the same to Tenant, then the same shall be deemed to be a final account between Landlord and Tenant not subject to any further dispute. In the event that Tenant shall seek Landlord’s consent or approval under this Lease, then Tenant shall reimburse Landlord, upon demand, as Additional Rent, for all reasonable costs and expenses, including legal and architectural costs and expenses, incurred by Landlord in processing such request, whether or not such consent or approval shall be given. Notwithstanding anything in this Lease to the contrary, if Landlord or any affiliate of Landlord has elected to qualify as a real estate investment trust (“REIT”), any service required or permitted to be performed by Landlord pursuant to this Lease, the charge or cost of which may be treated as impermissible tenant service income under the laws governing a REIT, may be performed by a taxable REIT subsidiary that is affiliated with either Landlord or Landlord’s property manager, an independent contractor of Landlord or Landlord’s property manager (the “Service Provider”). If Tenant is subject to a charge under this Lease for any such service, then, at Landlord’s direction, Tenant will pay such charge either to Landlord for further payment to the Service Provider or directly to the Service Provider, and, in either case, (i) Landlord will credit such payment against Additional Rent due from Tenant under this Lease for such service, and (ii) such payment to the Service Provider will not relieve Landlord from any obligation under the Lease concerning the provisions of such service.

  • Rent Beginning on the Commencement Date, Tenant covenants and agrees to pay, without abatement, deduction or offset except as otherwise specifically provided herein, to Landlord, “Base Rent” for the Premises, on or before the first (1st) day of the first (1st) full calendar month of the Term hereof and on or before the first (1st) day of each and every successive calendar month thereafter during the full Term of this Lease and any renewal thereof, subject to the adjustments as provided hereinafter along with any applicable tax as defined herein, at the then current rate. If the Commencement Date occurs on a day other than the first (1st) day of a calendar month, the first Base Rent payment shall be in the amount of the Base Rent for one (1) full calendar month plus the prorated Base Rent for the calendar month in which the Commencement Date falls, such payment to be due on the Commencement Date. The Prepaid Rent described above shall be applied by Landlord to the Rent payable for the first full month that Rent is due. If Tenant fails to pay any regular monthly installment of Base Rent or Landlord’s Operating Costs or any other monthly amounts by the seventh (7th) day of the month in which such installment is due (provided that Landlord will be required to give Tenant written notice of Tenant’s failure to pay any such monthly payments two (2) times in any twelve (12) month period prior to such late fees being charged), or if Tenant fails to pay any other sum of money within thirty (30) days after written notice by Landlord to Tenant, or if any check delivered for the payment of Rent is returned for insufficient funds, there will be added to the unpaid amount a late charge based on the monthly prorata percentage of the Default Rate and applied to the amount due to compensate Landlord for the extra administrative expenses incurred. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary above, Landlord agrees that it will not impose the aforesaid late charges unless Tenant has failed to pay any installment of Rent on the due date thereof (and such failure shall not have been cured on or before the last day of any grace period, if any) two (2) times in any twelve (12) month period. The Base Rent payable by Tenant to Landlord shall be in accordance with the following schedule:

  • Landlord’s Entry Landlord and its authorized representatives may at all reasonable times and upon reasonable notice to Tenant enter the Premises to: (a) inspect the Premises; (b) exercise and perform Landlord's rights and obligations under this Lease; (c) post notices of non-responsibility or other protective notices available under the Laws; (d) show the Premises to current or prospective mortgagees, or to prospective purchasers of the Property; or (e) during the last 12 months of the Term, show the Premises to prospective tenants. Landlord, in the event of any emergency, may enter the Premises at any time without notice to Tenant. If Landlord receives prior written notification from Tenant that specified areas within the Premises contain confidential materials, then Landlord shall not enter such portions of the Premises unless accompanied by a representative of Tenant except (i) in case of an emergency, or (ii) if Tenant authorizes Landlord to enter such portions of the Premises without accompaniment of Tenant's representative. Landlord's entry into the Premises is not to be construed as a forcible or unlawful entry into, or detainer of, the Premises or as an eviction of Tenant from all or any part of the Premises. Subject to Section 9.3 below, Tenant will also permit Landlord (or its designees) to erect, install, use, maintain, replace and repair pipes, cables, conduits, plumbing and vents, and telephone, electric and other wires or other items, in, to and through the Premises if Landlord reasonably determines that such activities are necessary for properly operating and maintaining the Building.

  • Base Monthly Rent Commencing on the Commencement Date and continuing throughout the Lease Term, Tenant shall pay to Landlord the Base Monthly Rent set forth in Section K of the Summary.

  • Monthly Rent The rent payable pursuant to Paragraph 5.A., as adjusted from time to time pursuant to the terms of this Lease.

  • Rents All fixed and additional rentals under the Space Leases and other tenant charges, in each case as and when actually received, shall be prorated as of the Cut Off Time. Seller shall deliver or provide a credit to Purchaser in an amount equal to all prepaid rents for periods after the Closing Date. Rents which are delinquent as of the Closing Date shall not be prorated on the Closing Date and Seller shall retain the right to pursue the collection of such delinquent rents; provided that in connection with such efforts Seller shall have no right to terminate any Space Lease or to initiate any eviction proceeding against the applicable tenant thereunder. To the extent Purchaser receives rents (including operating expense, tax and insurance charges payable by a Space Lessee) on or after the Closing Date that such Space Lessee designates are payable as delinquent rents for any period prior to the Closing Date, Purchaser shall promptly deliver such amounts to Seller. Purchaser shall use good faith efforts (at no cost to Purchaser) to collect any such delinquent rents. Any percentage rents under Space Leases shall be prorated on the basis of the ratio of the number of days expired before Closing to the number of days after Closing. In the event that the proration of operating expenses, taxes, insurance charges and/or percentage rent cannot be fully prorated because of the unavailability of information then such proration will be tentatively prorated on the best available information and Seller and Purchaser will make the appropriate final adjustments within ninety (90) days following the end of the calendar year in which the Closing occurs. All such adjustments will be paid in cash to the party entitled thereto. All security deposits shall be transferred to Purchaser or credited against the Purchase Price and all obligations with respect to such security deposits shall be assumed by Purchaser.

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