User Deletion. You may also request deletion of a User by writing to For business continuity purposes, deleting a User from Your Account does not delete business-specific organization-owned data created or modified by such User during their use of Your Account. We recommend that Your remove the User’s Personal Data before deleting (or requesting the deletion of) such User. In the event a deleted User’s Personal Data remains in the Account, it will be anonymized within the Service.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Purchase Agreement, Terms of Service
User Deletion. You may delete a User from Your Account by using the API We provide. You may also request deletion of a User by writing to For business continuity purposes, deleting a User from Your Account does not delete business-specific organization-owned data created or modified by such User during their use of Your Account. We recommend that Your remove the User’s Personal Data before deleting (or requesting the deletion of) such User. In the event a deleted User’s Personal Data remains in the Account, it will be anonymized within the Service.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Purchase Agreement, Terms of Service