USUAL, CUSTOMARY AND REASONABLE. The usual, customary and reasonable charges for provided medical services in a geographical area, regardless of whether direct payment or reimbursement was used.
USUAL, CUSTOMARY AND REASONABLE. Charges means charges that do not exceed the general level of charges made by other providers of similar standing in the geographical area where charges are incurred for comparable Treatment, services or supplies for a similar Medical Emergency. We, Us and Our mean TD Life Insurance Company. You and Your mean the Primary Cardholder.
USUAL, CUSTOMARY AND REASONABLE. The usual, customary and reason- able charges for provided medical services in a geographical area, regardless of whether direct payment or reimbursement was used. BUPA INSURANCE COMPANY: (de ahora en adelante denominada el “Asegurador”) acuerda pagar a usted (de ahora en adelante denominado el “Asegurado Titular”) los beneficios estipulados en esta póliza. Todos los beneficios están sujetos a los términos y condiciones de esta póliza.
USUAL, CUSTOMARY AND REASONABLE. Usual, Customary and Reasonable means the normal charges for similar services made by other providers of the same standing in the locality or geographical area where the charge is incurred, as determined by Atlantic Blue Cross Care, or in accordance with a payment schedule established by Atlantic Blue Cross Care.
USUAL, CUSTOMARY AND REASONABLE. ▪ Usual: means the standard charge for a given service or supply by an individual providing services or supplies in their personal practice.


  • Weekends Holidays that fall on weekends will be observed on a day established by the School District.

  • Duties and Responsibilities (a) The Auction Agent is acting solely as agent for the Company hereunder and owes no fiduciary duties to any other Person by reason of this Agreement. (b) The Auction Agent undertakes to perform such duties and only such duties as are set forth specifically in this Agreement, and no implied covenants or obligations shall be read into this Agreement against the Auction Agent. (c) In the absence of bad faith or negligence on its part, the Auction Agent shall not be liable for any action taken, suffered or omitted by it, or for any error of judgment made by it in the performance of its duties under this Agreement. The Auction Agent shall not be liable for any error of judgment made in good faith unless the Auction Agent shall have been negligent in ascertaining (or failing to ascertain) the pertinent facts.

  • Clear and Reasonable Warnings Commencing on or before December 31, 2022 (the compliance date), the Settling Entity shall provide clear and reasonable warnings for all units of the Products offered for sale to California consumers or its customers. Each warning shall be prominently placed with such conspicuousness as compared with other words, statements, designs, or devices as to render it likely to be read and understood by an ordinary individual under customary conditions of purchase or use.