VERSION Each Quote will be governed under the version of this Agreement that is in place as of the “last updated” date indicated at the bottom of this document. For that reason, you should keep a copy of this document and make a note of the date indicated below when you accept a Quote.
French Language Services If the HSP is required to provide services to the public in French under the provisions of the FLSA, the HSP will be required to submit a French language services report to the Funder. If the HSP is not required to provide services to the public in French under the provisions of the FLSA, it will be required to provide a report to the Funder that outlines how the HSP addresses the needs of its local Francophone community.
Generelt A. Apple Inc. (“Apple”) giver hermed licenstager licens til at bruge Apple-softwaren, evt. tredjepartssoftware, dokumentation, , grænseflader, indhold, skrifter og evt. data, som følger med denne licens, uanset om de er præinstalleret på Apple-hardware, forefindes på disk, som ROM (Read Only Memory), på andet medie eller i anden form (under et kaldet “Apple-softwaren”) i henhold til betingelserne i denne licensaftale. Apple og/eller Apples licensgivere bevarer ejendomsretten til selve Apple-softwaren og forbeholder sig alle de rettigheder, som ikke udtrykkeligt er givet til licenstager. B. Apple vil efter eget valg evt. frigive fremtidige opgraderinger eller opdateringer til Apple-softwaren til licenstagers computer fra Apple. Evt. opgraderinger og opdateringer inkluderer ikke nødvendigvis alle de eksisterende softwarefunktioner eller nye funktioner, som Apple frigiver til nyere modeller af computere fra Apple. Licenstagers rettigheder i henhold til denne licens omfatter alle de softwareopgraderinger eller -opdateringer leveret af Apple til Apple-softwareproduktet, medmindre opgraderingerne eller opdateringerne indeholder en separat licens, i hvilket fald licenstager erklærer sig indforstået med, at betingelserne i den licens er gældende for sådanne opgraderinger eller opdateringer.
Print Name of Buyer By: ---------------------------------------- Name: Title: IF AN ADVISOR: Print Name of Buyer Date: ------------------------------------- EXHIBIT K [TEXT OF AMENDMENT TO POOLING AND SERVICING AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 11.01(E) FOR A LIMITED GUARANTY]
Print Name Designation ...................................
Language Consent The parties acknowledge that it is their express wish that the Agreement, as well as all documents, notices and legal proceedings entered into, given or instituted pursuant hereto or relating directly or indirectly hereto, be drawn up in English.
FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT MANAGEMENT The Parties shall manage this Framework Agreement in accordance with Schedule 14 (Framework Management).
WASHINGTON’S ELECTRONIC BUSINESS SOLUTION (WEBS). Contractor represents and warrants that it is registered in Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS), Washington’s contract registration system and that, all of its information therein is current and accurate and that throughout the term of this Master Contract, Contractor shall maintain an accurate profile in WEBS.
Ergonomics The supervisor/manager will provide training and equipment for staff to safely perform job functions and avoid injury. Employees should contact their supervisor if job procedures, equipment or workstations lead to risk of injury or work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Further ergonomic guidelines shall be referenced on the Environmental Health and Safety website
Telemedicine Services This plan covers clinically appropriate telemedicine services when the service is provided via remote access through an on-line service or other interactive audio and video telecommunications system in accordance with R.I. General Law § 27-81-1. Clinically appropriate telemedicine services may be obtained from a network or non- network provider, and from our designated telemedicine service provider. When you seek telemedicine services from our designated telemedicine service provider, the amount you pay is listed in the Summary of Medical Benefits. When you receive a covered healthcare service from a network or non-network provider via remote access, the amount you pay depends on the covered healthcare service you receive, as indicated in the Summary of Medical Benefits. For information about telemedicine services, our designated telemedicine service provider, and how to access telemedicine services, please visit our website or contact our Customer Service Department.