Ergonomics. The supervisor/manager will provide training and equipment for staff to safely perform job functions and avoid injury. Employees should contact their supervisor if job procedures, equipment or workstations lead to risk of injury or work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Further ergonomic guidelines shall be referenced on the Environmental Health and Safety website
Ergonomics. Training and administration of ergonomic concerns will be as determined by the CJHSC and in accordance with McMaster University’s Ergonomics Safety Program.
Ergonomics. The Occupational Health and Safety Committee may make recommendations to the Employer on ergonomic adjustments and on measures to protect pregnant employees as far as occupational health and safety matters are concerned.
Ergonomics. The parties agree to pursue implementation of proactive ergonomics programs, including safe patient handling, office ergonomics and material handling. This will include educating staff about existing resources, standards and policies with a goal of prevention.
Ergonomics. A joint Ergonomics sub-committee of the Health and Safety Committee will be established. There will be at least one (1) member from the Union and one (1) member from the Company. Members of the sub-committee need not be members of the Joint Health and Safety Committee. All members of this sub-committee will receive appropriate training. Where an ergonomic concern is beyond the scope of the Committee the Company Ergonomist will be consulted and will assist in resolving the concern.
Ergonomics. (a) The Employer will ensure that all efforts will be made to address ergonomic needs on a priority basis and work toward improving the workplace, workstation or tool to fit the employee. A determination of the need for adjustable chairs with the terms of reference determined by the parties, will be made as the need arises by the Union Health and Safety Representative or their alternate and the Manager of Occupational Health & Safety or designate.
(b) If an ergonomic assessment determines that a work station needs to be adjusted, such adjustment(s) shall occur.
Ergonomics. The parties will establish a program to identify ergonomic risks in the plant and recommend controls.
Ergonomics a) The Company will ensure that the Committee is trained in a course or courses to be determined by the Committee to enable them to address ergonomic needs on a priority basis and work towards improving the workplace, work station, or tool to fit the worker.
b) Where an ergonomic concern is beyond the scope of the Committee the Company shall hire a consultant chosen by the Committee.
c) The Committee shall consider such issues as the pace of production and staffing levels in the Committee's consideration of ergonomics issues.
Ergonomics. The University shall endeavor to provide ergonomically correct equipment as resources allow.
Ergonomics. CWU will provide employees with ergonomic workstation self-assessments and job specific ergonomic guides through the Environmental Safety and Health webpage. Departments can arrange for the university’s preferred vendor to conduct a fee for service workspace evaluation and/or purchase ergonomically correct furnishing at the departments own cost. Recommendations for alterations to a job workstation identified during an assessment will be shared with the effected employee and with his or her supervisor.