Withdrawal from the Match. Any registered program that will not offer positions through the Match must officially withdraw from that Match through the R3 system.
Withdrawal from the Match. Applicants may not withdraw themselves from the Main Residency Match after the Rank Order List Certification Deadline. Withdrawn applicants will not have their rank order list used in the Match.
Withdrawal from the Match. Any registered program that will not offer positions through the Specialties Matching Service must withdraw from the SMS through the R3 system.
Withdrawal from the Match. 7.1 Sponsored Applicants Sponsored applicants may not withdraw themselves from the Match. A sponsored applicant may only be withdrawn from the Match by the applicant’s school official. Withdrawing a sponsored applicant to accept a position at a Match-participating institution outside of the Match, regardless of the program’s Match participation status, is a violation of this Agreement unless the position is with a program participating in:
Withdrawal from the Match. Applicants may withdraw themselves from the applicable Fellowship Match but must do so through the R3 system prior to the applicable Rank Order List Certification Deadline. Withdrawn applicants will not have their rank order list used in the applicable Fellowship Match. Applicants who accept a concurrent year residency or fellowship position outside the Match or through any other national matching plan must withdraw from the Match through the R3 system prior to the applicable Rank Order List Certification Deadline. Failure to withdraw from the SMS prior to the applicable Rank Order List Certification Deadline shall be a breach of this Agreement.