Without a discovery Sample Clauses

Without a discovery. (1) A t a ny t i m e af t e r t h e fif t h y e a r of t h e p r i m a ry t e r m of a le a se, t h e B L M m a y a pp r ove x x x pplic a t io n fo r a 10- y e a r le a se r e- n ew a l fo r a le a se o n w h ic h t h e r e h a s n o t bee n a discove ry of oil o r g a s. T h e B L M m u s t r eceive t h e xxxxxx’s a pplic a- t io n n o l a t e r t h a n 60 d a y s p r io r t o t h e expi r a t io n of t h e p r i m a ry t e r m of t h e le a se.
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Related to Without a discovery

  • PROCEDURE FOR GRIEVANCES AFFECTING A GROUP OF EMPLOYEES The Union may elect to file a grievance on behalf of two or more employees. The facts and issues of the grievance must be the same.

  • Independence from Material Breach Determination Except as set forth in Section X.D.1.c, these provisions for payment of Stipulated Penalties shall not affect or otherwise set a standard for OIG’s decision that CHSI has materially breached this CIA, which decision shall be made at OIG’s discretion and shall be governed by the provisions in Section X.D, below.

  • Without Notice City and City’s Associates shall have the right to enter the Premises (not including the Tenant Improvements) at any time and without prior notice, provided that they shall not unreasonably interfere with Tenant's use of the Premises. City and City’s Associates shall have the right to enter the Tenant Improvements at any time and without prior notice for any purpose relating to any emergency, security or safety concern, or to investigate or remediate potential threats or hazards.

  • Court Appearance Leave Without Pay An employee may request and shall be granted leave without pay for the time required to make an appearance as a plaintiff or defendant in a civil or criminal court proceeding that is not connected with the employee's officially assigned duties. However, reduction in salary will not be made for an FLSA-exempt employee to testify in court or at a deposition except for full workweek increments where such testimony causes an absence of one (1) or more full workweeks.

  • Aggravating and Mitigating Factors The penalties in this matter were determined in consideration of all relevant circumstances, including statutory factors as described in CARB’s Enforcement Policy. CARB considered whether the violator came into compliance quickly and cooperated with the investigation; the extent of harm to public health, safety and welfare; nature and persistence of the violation, including the magnitude of the excess emissions; compliance history; preventative efforts taken; innovative nature and the magnitude of the effort required to comply, and the accuracy, reproducibility, and repeatability of the available test methods; efforts to attain, or provide for, compliance prior to violation; action taken to mitigate the violation; financial burden to the violator; and voluntary disclosure. The penalties are set at levels sufficient to deter violations, to remove any economic benefit or unfair advantage from noncompliance, to obtain swift compliance, and the potential costs, risks, and uncertainty associated with litigation. Penalties in future cases might be smaller or larger depending on the unique circumstances of the case.

  • DIRECT ORDERING WITHOUT A FURTHER COMPETITION 2.1 Subject to paragraph 1.2 above any Contracting Body ordering the Services under this Framework Agreement without holding a further competition shall:

  • Complete Work without Extra Cost Except to the extent otherwise specifically stated in this contract, the Contractor shall obtain and provide, without additional cost to the City, all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, facilities, services, permits, and licenses necessary to perform the Work.

  • Ethics Matters; No Financial Interest Contractor and its employees, agents, representatives and subcontractors have read and understand University’s Conflicts of Interest Policy available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/policy/policies/int160.html, University’s Standards of Conduct Guide available at xxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/systemcompliance/, and applicable state ethics laws and rules available at xxx.xxxxxxxx.xxx/xxx/xxxxxx. Neither Contractor nor its employees, agents, representatives or subcontractors will assist or cause University employees to violate University’s Conflicts of Interest Policy, provisions described by University’s Standards of Conduct Guide, or applicable state ethics laws or rules. Contractor represents and warrants that no member of the Board has a direct or indirect financial interest in the transaction that is the subject of this Agreement.

  • Why did I get this Notice This is a court-authorized notice of a proposed settlement in a class action lawsuit, XxXxxxx, et al. v. Veriff, Inc., No. 2021L001202, pending in the Circuit Court of DuPage County, Illinois before the Xxx. Xxxxx Xxxxxxx. The Settlement would resolve a lawsuit brought on behalf of persons who allege that Veriff, Inc., collected individuals’ biometrics in Illinois through its identity-verification technology without first providing the individuals with legally-required written disclosures and obtaining written consent. If you received notice of this Settlement, you have been identified as someone who, at some time between November 12, 2016 and [Preliminary Approval], had biometrics collected, captured, purchased, received through trade, possessed, retained or otherwise obtained while in Illinois by Veriff or its technology for the purposes of identity verification, and whose identity was verified. The Court has granted preliminary approval of the Settlement and has conditionally certified the Settlement Class for purposes of settlement only. This notice explains the nature of the class action lawsuit, the terms of the Settlement, and the legal rights and obligations of the Settlement Class Members. Please read the instructions and explanations below so that you can better understand your legal rights. WHAT IS THIS LAWSUIT ABOUT? The Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”), 740 ILCS 14/1, et seq., prohibits private companies from capturing, obtaining, storing, transmitting, and/or using the biometric identifiers and/or information, such as scans of face geometry, of another individual for any purpose without first providing them with certain written disclosures and obtaining written consent. This lawsuit alleges that Defendant violated BIPA by collecting or capturing the scans of face geometry of individuals through identity verification technology in Illinois without first providing the requisite disclosures or obtaining the consent required by BIPA. Defendant contests these claims, denies that it collected or possessed facial biometrics or any other information subject to BIPA, and denies that it violated BIPA. WHY IS THIS A CLASS ACTION? A class action is a lawsuit in which an individual called a “Class Representative” brings a single lawsuit on behalf of other people who have similar claims. All of these people together are a “Class” or “Class Members.” Once a Class is certified, a class action Settlement finally approved by the Court resolves the issues for all Settlement Class Members, except for those who exclude themselves from the Settlement Class. WHY IS THERE A SETTLEMENT? To resolve this matter without the expense, delay, and uncertainties of litigation, the Parties have reached a Settlement, which resolves all claims against Defendant and its affiliated entities. The Settlement requires Defendant to pay money to the Settlement Class, as well as pay settlement administration expenses, attorneys’ fees and costs to Class Counsel, and Incentive Awards to each of the Class Representatives, if approved by the Court. The Settlement is not an admission of wrongdoing by Defendant and does not imply that there has been, or would be, any finding that Defendant violated the law. The Court has already preliminarily approved the Settlement. Nevertheless, because the settlement of a class action determines the rights of all members of the class, the Court overseeing this lawsuit must give final approval to the Settlement before it can be effective. The Court has conditionally certified the Settlement Class for settlement purposes only, so that members of the Settlement Class can be given this notice and the opportunity to exclude themselves from the Settlement Class, to voice their support or opposition to final approval of the Settlement, and to submit a Claim Form to receive the relief offered by the Settlement. If the Court does not give final approval to the Settlement, or if it is terminated by the Parties, the Settlement will be void, and the lawsuit will proceed as if there had been no settlement and no certification of the Settlement Class.

  • Applicability of this Agreement This Agreement shall apply to investments made in the territory of one of the Contracting Parties in accordance with its laws and regulations by investors of the other Contracting Party prior to as well as after the entry into force of this Agreement, but shall not apply to any dispute or claim concerning an investment which arose, or which was settled before its entry into force.

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