Discovery definition
Discovery means the finding, during Petroleum Operations, of a deposit of Petroleum not previously known to have existed, which can be recovered at the surface in a flow measurable by conventional petroleum industry testing methods.
Discovery means the first day on which such Security Incident is known to the Contractor or, by exercising reasonable diligence, would have been known to the Contractor. Regardless of whether the Contractor failed to exercise reasonable diligence, improperly delaying the notification of discovery beyond the one day requirement, the Contractor will notify the FSSA Privacy & Security Office within one day of gaining actual knowledge of a breach.
Discovery means a pre-hearing process that can be used to obtain facts and information about the adjudicatory proceeding in order to prepare for hearing. The discovery tools include depositions upon oral and written questions, written interrogatories, production of documents or things, and requests for admission.
Examples of Discovery in a sentence
Our Elite Performance Camp and Discovery Camp pathways aim to ignite a passion for football while promoting essential life skills.
Como Summer Camp (Elite Performance or Discovery): identifies the set of sports holidays organized in the locality at Hotel Gardenia Fiera, Xxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, 00, Xxxxxxxxx (Como) promoted as part of the initiatives of Sent Academy S.r.l. and Como 1907 aimed at boys and girls between the ages of 9 and 18.
More Definitions of Discovery
Discovery means the discovery of an accumulation of Hydrocarbons whose existence until that moment was unproven by drilling.
Discovery means the first day on which a Breach is known to Business Associate (including any person, other than the individual committing the breach, that is an employee, officer, or other agent of Business Associate), or should reasonably have been known to Business Associate, to have occurred.
Discovery means the first day on which such Security Incident is known to the Contractor or, by exercising reasonable diligence, would have been known to the Contractor. Regardless of whether the Contractor failed to exercise reasonable diligence, improperly delaying the notification of discovery beyond the one day requirement, the Contractor will notify the FSSA Privacy & Security Office within one day of gaining actual knowledge of a breach. In collaboration with the FSSA Privacy & Security Office, Contractor shall undertake all commercially reasonable efforts necessary to thoroughly investigate the Security Incident and to provide all results of such investigation to the FSSA Privacy & Security Office, including but not limited to Contractor personnel involved, source and cause of the Security Incident, specific information disclosed, disclosure victims (those whose PHI/PII was disclosed), disclosure recipients, supporting materials, actions taken to mitigate or stop the Security Incident, and similar details. Contractor’s investigation must be undertaken expeditiously and completed to the extent that a determination of whether a Breach has occurred can be reasonably made, including the identification of the victims or likely victims, within a reasonable timeframe as mutually agreed upon with the FSSA Privacy & Security Office, from the date of discovery of the Security Incident. Contractor shall provide details of its investigation to the FSSA Privacy & Security Office on an ongoing basis until the investigation is complete. Contractor and the FSSA Privacy & Security Office will collaborate on the results of Contractor’s investigation; the determination as to whether a Breach has occurred rests solely with the FSSA Privacy & Security Office. If it is determined by the FSSA Privacy & Security Office that a Breach has occurred: Contractor agrees that it shall be responsible for, including all costs with respect to, fulfilling the State’s and/or Contractor’s obligations for notice to all of the known and suspected victims of the Breach. Such notice shall comply with the HIPAA Breach Rule notification requirements and/or applicable notification requirements under State law. Contractor further agrees that such notification will be made under its name, unless otherwise specified by the FSSA Privacy & Security Office. Contractor will coordinate its Breach notification efforts with the FSSA Privacy & Security Office; the FSSA Privacy & Security Office will approve Contr...
Discovery means the first day on which Business Associate, or any workforce member, agent, or Subcontractor of Business Associate, knows, or, by exercising reasonable diligence would have known, of a Breach.
Discovery means the process by which a party may, before the hearing, obtain evidence relating to the disputed issue or issues from the other parties and witnesses.
Discovery any occurrence of Oil or Gas in the Contract Area, regardless of the quantity, quality, or commercial feasibility, verified by at least two detection or assessment methods.
Discovery means the Discovery of Petroleum;