COOPERATION BETWEEN THE PARTIES The College and UFE shall supply each other with requested information reasonably needed to facilitate the processing of the grievance. Meetings to discuss any grievance shall be scheduled at mutually convenient times.
Development Activities The Development activities referred to in item “b” of paragraph 3.1 include: studies and projects of implementation of the Production facilities; drilling and completion of the Producing and injection xxxxx; and installation of equipment and vessels for extraction, collection, Treatment, storage, and transfer of Oil and Gas. The installation referred to in item “c” includes, but is not limited to, offshore platforms, pipelines, Oil and Gas Treatment plants, equipment and facilities for measurement of the inspected Production, wellhead equipment, production pipes, flow lines, tanks, and other facilities exclusively intended for extraction, as well as oil and gas pipelines for Production Outflow and their respective compressor and pumping stations.
Introduction and Background The purpose of this Schedule 2 (Contract Services and Contract Supplies) is to set out the characteristics of the Contract Services and/or Contract Supplies (as the case may be) and Funding that the Provider will be required to make available to all Contracting Authorities in relation to Lot 1 and/or Lot 2 (as the case may be) and to provide a description of what the Contract Services and/or Contract Supplies (as the case may be) and Funding will entail.
Development and Commercialization Subject to Sections 4.6 and 4.7, Fibrocell shall be solely responsible for the development and Commercialization of Fibrocell Products and Improved Products. Fibrocell shall be responsible for all costs incurred in connection with the Fibroblast Program except that Intrexon shall be responsible for the following: (a) costs of establishing manufacturing capabilities and facilities in connection with Intrexon’s manufacturing obligation under Section 4.6 (provided, however, that Intrexon may include an allocable portion of such costs, through depreciation and amortization, when calculating the Fully Loaded Cost of manufacturing a Fibrocell Product, to the extent such allocation, depreciation, and amortization is permitted by US GAAP, it being recognized that the majority of non-facilities scale-up costs cannot be capitalized and amortized under US GAAP); (b) costs of basic research with respect to the Intrexon Channel Technology and Intrexon Materials (i.e., platform improvements) but, for clarity, excluding research described in Section 4.7 or research requested by the JSC for the development of a Fibrocell Product or an Improved Product (which research costs shall be reimbursed by Fibrocell); (c) [*****]; and (d) costs of filing, prosecution and maintenance of Intrexon Patents. The costs encompassed within subsection (a) above shall include the scale-up of Intrexon Materials and related active pharmaceutical ingredients for clinical trials and Commercialization of Fibrocell Products undertaken pursuant to Section 4.6, which shall be at Intrexon’s cost whether it elects to conduct such efforts internally or through Third Party contractors retained by either Intrexon or Fibrocell (with Intrexon’s consent).
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE PARTIES A Party is not by virtue of this Agreement the employee, agent or partner of the other Party and is not authorised to bind or represent the other Party.
COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN THE PARTIES A copy of all communications relating to the subject matter of this Agreement between the Issuer and any Paying Agent (other than the Agent) shall be sent to the Agent.
Joint Work Product This Agreement is the joint work product of H-GAC and the Contractor. This Agreement has been negotiated by H-GAC and the Contractor and their respective counsel and shall be fairly interpreted in accordance with its terms and, in the event of any ambiguities, no inferences shall be drawn against any party.
Collaboration 31.1 If the Buyer has specified in the Order Form that it requires the Supplier to enter into a Collaboration Agreement, the Supplier must give the Buyer an executed Collaboration Agreement before the Start date. 31.2 In addition to any obligations under the Collaboration Agreement, the Supplier must: 31.2.1 work proactively and in good faith with each of the Buyer’s contractors 31.2.2 co-operate and share information with the Buyer’s contractors to enable the efficient operation of the Buyer’s ICT services and G-Cloud Services
Marketing Activities The Borrower will not, and will not permit any of its Subsidiaries to, engage in marketing activities for any Hydrocarbons or enter into any contracts related thereto other than (i) contracts for the sale of Hydrocarbons scheduled or reasonably estimated to be produced from their proved Oil and Gas Properties during the period of such contract, (ii) contracts for the sale of Hydrocarbons scheduled or reasonably estimated to be produced from proved Oil and Gas Properties of third parties during the period of such contract associated with the Oil and Gas Properties of the Borrower and its Subsidiaries that the Borrower or one of its Subsidiaries has the right to market pursuant to joint operating agreements, unitization agreements or other similar contracts that are usual and customary in the oil and gas business and (iii) other contracts for the purchase and/or sale of Hydrocarbons of third parties (A) which have generally offsetting provisions (i.e. corresponding pricing mechanics, delivery dates and points and volumes) such that no “position” is taken and (B) for which appropriate credit support has been taken to alleviate the material credit risks of the counterparty thereto.
Xxxxxx and Recall An employee in receipt of notice of layoff pursuant to 9.08(A)(a)(ii) may: (a) accept the layoff; or (b) opt to receive a separation allowance as outlined in Article 9.12; or (c) opt to retire, if eligible under the terms of the Hospitals of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP) as outlined in Article 9.08(B); or (d) displace another employee who has lesser bargaining unit seniority in the same or a lower or an identical-paying classification in the bargaining unit if the employee originally subject to layoff has the ability to meet the normal requirements of the job. An employee so displaced shall be deemed to have been laid off and shall be entitled to notice in accordance with Article 9.08(A)(a). An employee who chooses to exercise the right to displace another employee with lesser seniority shall advise the Hospital of their intention to do so and the position claimed within seven (7) days after receiving the notice of layoff. For purposes of the operation of clause (d), an identical-paying classification shall include any classification where the straight-time hourly wage rate at the level of service corresponding to that of the laid off employee is within 1% of the laid off employee's straight time hourly wage rate. (e) In the event that there are no employees with lesser seniority in the same or a lower or identical-paying classification, as defined in this article, a laid-off employee shall have the right to displace another employee with lesser seniority in a higher-paying classification provided they are able to meet the normal requirements of the job, with orientation but without additional training. (f) In addition, in combined full-time/part-time collective agreements, a full-time employee shall also be entitled to displace another full-time employee with lesser seniority in a higher-paying classification provided that they are able to meet the normal requirements of the job, with orientation but without additional training, when there are no other full-time employees in the same or a lower or similar-paying classification with lesser seniority, prior to being required to displace a part-time employee. (g) An employee who is subject to layoff other than a layoff of a permanent or long-term nature including a full time employee whose hours of work are, subject to Article 14.01, reduced, shall have the right to accept the layoff or displace another employee in accordance with (a) and (d) above. (h) No full-time employee within the bargaining unit shall be laid off by reason of their duties being assigned to one or more part-time employees. (i) In the event of a layoff of an employee, the Hospital shall pay its share of insured benefits premiums for the duration of the five-month notice period provided for in Article 9.08(A)(a). (j) The Hospital agrees to post vacancies during the recall period, as per the job posting procedure, allowing employees on recall to participate in the posting procedure. Should the position not be filled via the job posting procedure, an employee shall have opportunity of recall from a layoff to an available opening, in order of seniority, provided they have the ability to perform the work. (k) In determining the ability of an employee to perform the work for the purposes of the paragraphs above, the Hospital shall not act in an arbitrary or unfair manner. (l) An employee recalled to work in a different classification from which they were laid off shall have the privilege of returning to the position held prior to the layoff should it become vacant within six (6) months of being recalled. (m) No new employees shall be hired until all those laid off have been given an opportunity to return to work and have failed to do so, in accordance with the loss of seniority provision, or have been found unable to perform the work available. (n) The Hospital shall notify the employee of recall opportunity by registered mail, addressed to the last address on record with the Hospital (which notification shall be deemed to be received on the second day following the date of mailing). The notification shall state the job to which the employee is eligible to be recalled and the date and time at which the employee shall report for work. The employee is solely responsible for their proper address being on record with the Hospital.