Xxxxxx and Recall Sample Clauses

Xxxxxx and Recall. 9:01 The Employer shall provide four (4) weeks written notice of a layoff or award pay in lieu thereof. A layoff shall be defined as a temporary reduction to an employee’s regular hours of work due to lack of work, funding, economical or operational changes. 9:02 In the event of a reduction in the work force, employees will be laid off in reverse order of seniority within their occupational classification within the home. 9:03 Employees laid off in accordance with Article 9:01 shall be recalled by order of seniority to available positions in equal or lower paid occupational classifications provided they are qualified, possess a satisfactory work record, and have the ability to perform the required work. 9:04 To be eligible for recall, prior to the employee’s last shift before being placed on layoff status, the employee must provide the Employer with their current address and further, during the layoff period, must inform the Employer immediately of any address changes. 9:05 As per Article 9:04 above, the employee must communicate with the Employer within five (5) calendar days of their notice of recall being delivered to their recorded address. Further, the employee must be prepared to begin work at the time designated by the Employer. 9:06 The right of a person who has been laid off to be rehired under this Agreement will be forfeited and shall be considered terminated in the following circumstances: (a) If the person did not communicate with the Employer as specified in Article 9:06. (b) If the person did not report to work when instructed to do so and fails to provide a written explanation satisfactory to the Employer. (c) A twelve (12) month period has elapsed since the date of layoff, as per Article 7:05 (d).
Xxxxxx and Recall. ‌ An employee in receipt of notice of layoff pursuant to 9.08(A)(a)(ii) may: (a) accept the layoff; or (b) opt to receive a separation allowance as outlined in Article 9.12; or (c) opt to retire, if eligible under the terms of the Hospitals of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP) as outlined in Article 9.08(B); or (d) displace another employee who has lesser bargaining unit seniority in the same or a lower or an identical-paying classification in the bargaining unit if the employee originally subject to layoff has the ability to meet the normal requirements of the job. An employee so displaced shall be deemed to have been laid off and shall be entitled to notice in accordance with Article 9.08(A)(a). An employee who chooses to exercise the right to displace another employee with lesser seniority shall advise the Hospital of their intention to do so and the position claimed within seven (7) days after receiving the notice of layoff. For purposes of the operation of clause (d), an identical-paying classification shall include any classification where the straight-time hourly wage rate at the level of service corresponding to that of the laid off employee is within 1% of the laid off employee's straight time hourly wage rate. (e) In the event that there are no employees with lesser seniority in the same or a lower or identical-paying classification, as defined in this article, a laid-off employee shall have the right to displace another employee with lesser seniority in a higher-paying classification provided they are able to meet the normal requirements of the job, with orientation but without additional training. (f) In addition, in combined full-time/part-time collective agreements, a full-time employee shall also be entitled to displace another full-time employee with lesser seniority in a higher-paying classification provided that they are able to meet the normal requirements of the job, with orientation but without additional training, when there are no other full-time employees in the same or a lower or similar-paying classification with lesser seniority, prior to being required to displace a part-time employee. (g) An employee who is subject to layoff other than a layoff of a permanent or long-term nature including a full time employee whose hours of work are, subject to Article 14.01, reduced, shall have the right to accept the layoff or displace another employee in accordance with (a) and (d) above. (h) No full-time employee within the bargaining unit shall...
Xxxxxx and Recall. The Union may at any point ask to discuss with the Employer, services that are currently contracted out for specified work. Upon request the Employer agrees to entertain and give serious consideration to submissions and rationale from the Union based on an identified interest for specific work where the Union feels the Bargaining Unit may be better able to perform those services.
Xxxxxx and Recall. 34.01 A layoff is defined as the elimination of a position or an ongoing reduction in regularly scheduled hours of work for a position. For the purpose of this Article “ongoing reduction” shall be defined as a reduction in hours of more than one (1) month. 34.02 The provisions of this Article shall not apply in the following situations: a. When an employee’s appointment is for a limited duration of two (2) years or less and the appointment expires and is not renewed. b. When a seasonal employee is laid-off for the portion of the year in which they are normally not employed. a. In the event of layoffs, the University will: identify the affected Bargaining Unit position(s) to the Bargaining Unit in writing; and notify each affected member in writing. b. If there is only one (1) member in an affected Bargaining Unit position then that member shall be declared surplus. c. If there is more than one (1) member in the affected Bargaining Unit position and those members are within the same department then those members will be declared surplus in the following order: i. Probationary members in reverse order of date of hire; ii. Members who have completed their probationary period in order of seniority beginning with the least senior member. 34.04 In accordance with Article 34.05, a member who is declared surplus shall be given the opportunity to fill a vacant Bargaining Unit position or displace the most junior employee. The appropriate supervisor and a Human Resources representative will evaluate the ability and qualifications of the surplus member to do the job by means of either an interview or an interview and selection tests, if appropriate. The employee shall be accompanied by the President of the Union or their designate, acting as an observer. Employees will be available to be interviewed within five (5) calendar days of receiving the request for the interview, unless otherwise mutually agreed. It is understood that the surplus employee must have the ability and qualifications to perform the job in a manner which will not adversely affect the efficiency of the department beyond a short term familiarization period of no more than thirty (30) scheduled shifts. a. In accordance with Article 34.04, a full-time member declared surplus shall be given the opportunity, in order of seniority, to be placed in a vacant position or exercise bumping rights in the following order: i. To fill a full-time vacant position within the same job classification or, if there is ...
Xxxxxx and Recall. ‌ A. If the board determines that a reduction in the number of regular classified employees is necessary, layoffs shall be in reverse order of seniority within bargaining unit classifications as defined in section G. of this article. Classification means the groupings in Appendix B. The positions identified as Classified Professional Employees are unique positions with unique qualifications and they are not eligible to bump into any other position as identified in Article 8 of the Classified CBA. In the event the board determines that a reduction in force is necessary, layoffs shall be done in reverse order of seniority within the identified position the employee currently holds. Professional employees shall retain recall rights for a period of 27 months from the date of the layoff. B. When the board abolishes a particular position, the employee filling that position is not necessarily the person to be laid off. The person to be laid off shall be the least senior employee in the job classification to which the abolished position was allocated. If the holder of the abolished position is not the least senior employee in the classification, the following steps shall be used to determine movement within the classification to achieve the layoff of the least senior employee. Please see Appendix C, Classification Bumping Order. 1. The employee with the shortest length of service in the classification level to which the abolished position was allocated shall be bumped, provided that the bumping employee has the specific special skills, training or licensing required by the position. 2. The bumped employee shall then have the right to bump into the position of the least senior employee in the next lower level within the classification provided the employee has the specific special skills, training or licensing required by the position and has greater classification seniority than the least senior employee at that level. C. A bumped employee may then exercise the right to bump in accordance with the following provisions: 1. Once an employee’s position is eliminated, reduced to a level that eliminates benefits, or they are bumped, they may then use District seniority within the next lower classification level in Appendix B for which they may be qualified. 2. For determination of which least senior employee’s position a bumping employee may bump into, the District will determine which positions will be available and will offer first choices of the available positions ...
Xxxxxx and Recall. The employee and the Employer may enter into a written agreement regarding return rights at the commencement of the leave. The period of leave will not impact the employee’s seniority date.
Xxxxxx and Recall. A. The University shall determine the basis for, the extent of, and the effective date(s) of layoffs in accordance with the provisions of this Article.
Xxxxxx and Recall. 6.6.1 A layoff shall be defined as a reduction in the work force or a reduction in the regular hours of work as defined in this Agreement.
Xxxxxx and Recall. 16.01 The Employer has the right to determine the actual number of Employees required in each classification from time to time. 16.02 Should the Employer, after reviewing all options, determine that a reduction in the bargaining unit is necessary, in the application of the layoff and recall provisions of the agreement the Employees’ skill, competence, ability, experience, education and training and/or combination of equivalent education and experience shall be the factors in determining whether an Employee is qualified to perform the job available in case of layoff and recall. If the Employees’ skill, competence, ability, experience, education and training and/or combination of equivalent education and experience are relatively equal for the job in question, seniority shall govern. 16.03 The Employer agrees that it will advise the Union prior to the implementation of any lay-off. The Employer/Employee Relations Committee may request a meeting with the Employer to discuss the pending lay-off. 16.04 Subject to Article 16.02, temporary and casual Employees, within the bargaining unit, shall be laid off ahead of full-time and regular part-time Employees. 16.05 Two types of layoffs are recognized; (a) A temporary layoff, with the Employee being so informed at the time of layoff. If an Employee is temporarily laid off, and the layoff equals or exceeds thirty-five (35) consecutive weeks, the Employee may elect to no longer to be temporarily laid off, but terminated or retain recall rights for up to one (1) year from the commencement of the temporary layoff. If the Employee elects to retain recall rights, termination pay shall be held in trust by the Employer, until the recall rights have been exhausted. If the Employee has not been given notice of termination in accordance with the Employment Standards Act, the Employee is entitled to termination pay calculated from the date of commencing the temporary layoff. (b) A permanent layoff, with no indication of recall and notice, or pay in lieu of notice shall be given in accordance with Provincial Statutes. (c) Should an Employee be laid off, and the layoff equals or exceeds thirty-five (35) consecutive weeks, the Employee shall be deemed no longer to be laid off, but terminated, subject to Article 16.06 (a). Should an Employee not have been given notice of termination, in accordance with the Employment Standards Act, the Employee is entitled to termination pay in lieu of notice as per the Employment Standards Act.
Xxxxxx and Recall. 37:01 Where it is determined that there are to be layoffs within the bargaining unit, layoffs shall be based upon seniority in their classification. 37:02 A layoff shall be defined as a reduction in the workforce or a permanent reduction in the regular hours of work for an employee. 37:03 In the event of layoffs, the parties agree to meet as far in advance as possible to explore other options and to minimize service disruptions. 37:04 Employees in positions designated for layoff shall be assigned a position in the same, or a similar classification. Should there be no position in the same or equal classification, they may be assigned to a classification with a lower rate of pay, provided the employee has the ability and qualifications to perform that job. Such assignment shall be based on seniority. 37:05 In the event of layoffs, employees may choose to be laid off and their name placed on a recall list. 37:06 Employees shall have their names placed on the recall list for a period of one 37:07 The Union shall be provided a copy of the recall list upon request. 37:08 Employees shall be called back to work to a job they are qualified and able to perform on the basis of seniority. 37:09 Employees have the option to refuse recall to a position which has a lower rate of pay, or does not provide an equivalent number of hours to the position and classification they were laid off from. 37:10 The Employer shall give the employee written notice of the date upon which they are to be laid off according to Employment Standards regulation in the event that such minimum notice is not given, the employee shall receive pay in lieu thereof. 37:11 Notification of recall following a layoff shall be sent by certified letter to the last reported address of the employee. An employee who is recalled from layoff shall be required to indicate within five (5) calendar days their intention to return to work within fourteen (14) calendar days. 37:12 New employees shall not be hired until those laid off who meet the requirements of the position have been given an opportunity of recall. 37:13 Grievances concerning layoffs and recalls shall be initiated at Step 3 of the grievance procedure.