Your Other Obligations. You must promptly pay the premiums for all insurance required under the mortgage. You must comply with all of your obligations under each policy. You must comply with all of the terms relating to your right to collect under each policy. You must ensure that we receive a certified copy of each policy and every amendment to it. When a policy nears expiry, you must ensure that we receive proof that it has been renewed or replaced at least 15 days before its expiry. When a policy is to be cancelled, you must ensure that we receive proof that it has been replaced at least 5 days before it's cancelled. If we ask, you must provide us with a receipt for the premium and other proof that you're complying with your obligations under each policy.
Appears in 8 contracts
Samples: Residential Mortgage, Residential Mortgage, Residential Mortgage
Your Other Obligations. You must promptly pay the premiums for all insurance required under the mortgagecontract. You must comply with all of your obligations under each policy. You must comply with all of the terms relating to your right to collect under each policy. You must ensure that we receive a certified copy of each policy and every amendment to it. When a policy nears expiry, you must ensure that we receive proof that it has been renewed or replaced at least 15 days before its expiry. When a policy is to be cancelled, you must ensure that we receive proof that it has been replaced at least 5 days before it's cancelled. If we ask, you must provide us with a receipt for the premium and other proof that you're complying with your obligations under each policy.
Appears in 2 contracts
Samples: Residential Mortgage or Hypothec Switch Agreement, Residential Mortgage or Hypothec Switch Agreement