Điều 10 Sample Clauses

Điều 10. Phí Fees for use of the Electronic Services will apply in accordance with schedule of fees prescribed by HSC. HSC may adjust the fees from time to time as HSC thinks fit, based on the trading condition of the securities market. HSC shall notify the Client five (5) business days in advance of any change to the fees. Phí sử dụng các Dịch Vụ Tiện Ích được áp dụng theo biểu phí quy định của HSC. HSC có thể điều chỉnh phí tại từng thời điểm phù hợp, dựa trên các điều kiện giao dịch của thị trường chứng khoán. HSC sẽ thông báo cho Khách Hàng trước năm (05) ngày xxx xxxx xxx xx xxt cứ thay đổi nào về phí.
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Điều 10. Phí Fees for use of the Electronic Services will apply in accordance with schedule of fees prescribed by HSC. HSC may adjust the fees from time to time as HSC thinks fit, based on the trading condition of the securities market. HSC will notify the Client in advance of any change in fees. If the Client disagrees with the fee adjustment from HSC, the Client must notify HSC in writing within 03 working days from the date of notification by HSC. If the Client keeps making transactions and using HSC's services, it is assumed that the Client has accepted and agreed to the fee modification. Phí sử dụng các Dịch Vụ Tiện Ích được áp dụng theo biểu phí quy định của HSC. HSC có thể điều chỉnh phí tại từng thời điểm phù hợp, dựa trên các điều kiện giao dịch của thị trường chứng khoán. HSC sẽ thông báo trước cho Khách Hàng nếu có thay đổi về phí. Nếu Khách Hàng không đồng ý với việc điều chỉnh phí của HSC, Khách Hàng phải thông báo cho HSC bằng văn bản trong vòng 03 Ngày Làm Việc kể từ ngày HSC thông báo. Khách Hàng được coi là chấp nhận và đồng ý với việc thay đổi mức phí nếu Khách Hàng tiếp tục thực hiện giao dịch và sử dụng dịch vụ của HSC.

Related to Điều 10

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  • 7202-1から227 7202-4に呼応して、商業コンピュータソフトウェアおよび商業コンピュータソフトウェア文書は、アメリカ合衆国政府のエンドユーザに対して、(a) 商業品目としてのみ、かつ(b) 本契約条件に従ってその他のエンドユーザすべてに付与される権利のみを伴って、使用許諾されるものです。非公開の権利は、アメリカ合衆国の著作権法に基づき留保されています。

  • xxx/Xxxxxx/XXXXX- 19_School_Manual_FINAL pdf -page 101-102 We will continue to use the guidelines reflected in the COVID-19 school manual.

  • Geral A. O software Apple e qualquer software de terceiros, documentação, interfaces, conteúdos, tipos de letra e quaisquer dados que acompanhem a presente Licença, quer pré-instalados em memória só de leitura ou em qualquer outro suporte ou sob qualquer outra forma (colectivamente, “Software Apple”) são licenciados e não vendidos ao Utilizador pela Apple Inc.(“Apple”) para serem utilizados sob os termos da presente Licença. A Apple e/ou os licenciadores da Apple retêm a propriedade do Software Apple e reservam-se todos os direitos não concedidos expressamente ao Utilizador.

  • Einwilligung Zur Verwendung Von Daten A. Analysedaten. Wenn du dich entscheidest, die Sammlung von Analysedaten zuzulassen, erklärst du dein Einverständnis damit, dass Apple, seine Tochtergesellschaften und Auftragnehmer Diagnosedaten sowie technische, nutzungsrelevante und zugehörige Informationen, einschließlich insbesondere eindeutige System- oder Hardwarekennungen, Informationen über deinen Computer, deine Systemsoftware und Softwareprogramme sowie deine Peripheriegeräte sammeln, verwalten, verarbeiten und verwenden dürfen. Diese Informationen werden regelmäßig gesammelt, um Produkte und Dienste von Apple bereitzustellen und zu verbessern, die Bereitstellung von Softwareaktualisierungen, Produktsupport und anderen Diensten für dich (sofern vorhanden) in Verbindung mit der Apple-Software zu vereinfachen und um die Einhaltung der Bestimmungen dieses Lizenzvertrags zu überprüfen. Du kannst deine Einstellungen für die Analyse jederzeit ändern, indem du auf deinem Computer zur Einstellung „Analyse“ navigierst und das Markierungsfeld deaktivierst. Die Einstellung „Analyse“ befindet sich in der Systemeinstellung „Sicherheit“ im Bereich „Privatsphäre“. Apple ist berechtigt, diese Informationen zu nutzen, sofern diese für die oben beschriebenen Zwecke in einer Form gesammelt werden, die keinerlei Rückschlüsse auf deine Person zulässt. Damit Partner und Fremdentwickler von Apple die Möglichkeit erhalten, ihre für die Nutzung mit Apple-Produkten ausgelegte(n) Software, Hardware und Dienste zu optimieren, stellt Apple solchen Partnern oder Fremdentwicklern möglicherweise einen Teil seiner Diagnoseinformationen bereit, der für die Software, Hardware und/oder Dienste dieses Partners oder Entwicklers relevant ist, vorausgesetzt, diese Informationen werden in einer Form verwendet, die keinerlei Rückschlüsse auf deine Person zulässt.

  • Záznamy The Institution and the Investigator shall maintain accurate, complete and current records of all Study Data, including the Case Report Forms (or equivalent electronic data), relevant source documents and any other essential documents or materials as required by the Protocol, the Applicable Regulatory Requirements and PSI’s and the Sponsor’s instructions (collectively the "Records"). The Institution and the Investigator shall keep all the Records in a safe and secure location for the period required by the Applicable Regulatory Requirements, or for a period of fifteen (15) years following the completion of the Study, whichever is longer. The Institution and/or the Investigator may destroy the Records at the end of the Records keeping period on the condition that the Institution and/or the Investigator sends written notice to the Sponsor at least sixty (60) days prior to the date deletion/disposal will occur, and, if requested by the Sponsor, cooperates with the Sponsor in extending the Record keeping period or shipping the Records to another facility for storage, at the Sponsor’s reasonable expense. Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející povedou přesné, úplné a aktuální záznamy o všech Studijních údajích, které budou zahrnovat Záznamy subjektů hodnocení (nebo odpovídající údaje v elektronické podobě), příslušné zdrojové dokumenty a jakékoli další nezbytné dokumenty nebo materiály dle požadavků Protokolu, Platných regulačních požadavků a pokynů PSI a Zadavatele (dále jen „Záznamy“). Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející budou Záznamy uchovávat na bezpečném a zabezpečením místě xx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx regulačními požadavky nebo po dobu patnácti (15) let od dokončení Studie (kterákoli doba bude delší). Zdravotnické zařízení a/nebo Hlavní zkoušející mohou Záznamy po uplynutí lhůty pro uchovávání Záznamů zlikvidovat za podmínky, že Zdravotnické zařízení a/nebo Hlavní zkoušející zašlou Zadavateli oznámení alespoň šedesát (60) dnů před datem vymazání/likvidace Záznamů a na žádost Zadavatele s ním budou spolupracovat na prodloužení lhůty pro uchovávání Záznamů nebo zaslání Záznamů do jiného zařízení, kde budou uloženy, a to na přiměřené náklady Zadavatele.

  • Rev 1. If a tenant is denied assistance for this reason, the owner or managing agent must follow the procedures set out in the lease. _ Consent: I consent to allow HUD, the O/A, or the PHA to request and obtain income information from the federal and state agencies listed on the back of this form for the purpose of verifying my eligibility and level of benefits under HUD’s assisted housing programs. Signatures: Additional Signatures, if needed: Head of Household Date Other Family Members 18 and Over Date Spouse Date Other Family Members 18 and Over Date Other Family Members 18 and Over Date Other Family Members 18 and Over Date Other Family Members 18 and Over Date Other Family Members 18 and Over Date Original is retained on file at the project site ref. Handbooks 4350.3 Rev-1, 4571.1, 4571/2 & form HUD-9887 (02/2007) 4571.3 and HOPE II Notice of Program Guidelines Agencies To Provide Information State Wage Information Collection Agencies. (HUD and PHA). This consent is limited to wages and unemployment compensation you have received during period(s) within the last 5 years when you have received assisted housing benefits.

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