釋義及詮釋 Sample Clauses

釋義及詮釋. 2.1 於本客戶協議內,除非文意另有所指,否則下列詞語及詞彙將具有下列涵義: 「登入密碼」指 連同個人密碼以登入電子服務之客戶個人身分識別(例如登入名稱或用戶身分識別資料)或就客戶登入電子服務向其知會之其他代碼; 「帳戶」指 客戶不時於凱基亞洲開立及維持用作與或透過凱基亞洲為著或代表客戶進行而與證券、期權合約及/或其他金融產品(視乎情況而定)買賣、持有或以其他方交易(不論是否透過保證金融資進行)有關之帳戶(不論是以名稱、數字或其他方式指明之帳戶),及「帳戶」須據此進行解釋; 「開戶表格」指 包括但不限於凱基亞洲可能不時規定之開戶表格或其他文件,當中載有為在凱基亞洲開立⼀個或多個帳戶凱基亞洲可能要求之客戶相關資料,而開戶表格須構成本客戶協議之⼀部分; 「聯屬人士」指 就⼀方而⾔,直接或間接控制該方,受該方控制或處於共同控制下之法團、合夥企業或任何其他形式之法律實體; 「獲授權人士」 指 客戶根據必要的公司或其他行動(須通過向凱基亞洲提交合適文件予以證明且凱基亞洲接納有關文件)指定或正式授權之人士,以就本客戶協議代表客戶行事。該等人士須持續作為獲授權人士,直至凱基亞洲已收到客戶書面撤銷該等人士之授權時為止。倘客戶為個人,則獲授權人士須包括客戶自身,除非客戶已另行通知凱基亞洲則作別論; 「客戶」指 具有上文界定之涵義,以及凡在任何地方使用時,倘客戶為個人,則包括彼或彼等各自之遺囑執行人、遺產管理人、繼承人及個人代表,及倘為合夥商行,則包括於維持帳戶期間不時擔任該商行合夥人之合夥人,以及彼等各自之遺囑執行人、遺產管理人、個人代表及該合夥商行之許可繼承人,以及若客戶為⼀間公司,則包括該公司及其繼承人,在文意許可範圍內,「客戶」以此包括任何獲授權人士; 「客戶款項規則」指 香港法例第 571I 章《證券及期貨(客戶款項)規則》(經不時修訂及∕或補充); 「客戶證券規則」指 香港法例第571H 章《證券及期貨(客戶證券)規則》(經不時修訂及 ∕或補充); 「守則」指 證券及期貨事務監察委員會持牌人或註冊人操守準則(經不時修訂及∕或補充); 「信用支持文件」指 具有本客戶協議 A 部分第 19 條載列之涵義,及指以凱基亞洲為受益人支持客戶於本客戶協議項下之責任之任何擔保書、質押協議、保證金或抵押協議或文件,或載有客戶或信用支持提供者之責任之任何其他文件; 「信用支持提供者」指 具有本客戶協議 A 部分第 19 條所載列之涵義; 「託管人」指 受託人、接管人、清盤人、監護人、遺產管理人、託管人、審查人或其他類似人員及具有本客戶協議 A 部分第 19 條所載列之涵義; 「電子服務」指 凱基亞洲提供之任何設施及∕或服務,讓客戶可以不時通過電子方式發出指示及∕或登入及∕或使用開立帳戶設施、交易設施、帳戶及帳戶下交易有關的資料、市場數據及資訊服務及∕或凱基亞洲以電子方式提供之其他服務,包括但不限於網上投資服務(WebTrade)、互聯網交易及∕或其他電子交易; 「合資格證券」 指 凱基亞洲全權酌情不時釐定之有關證券; 「香港結算」指 香港中央結算有限公司及其繼承人及受讓人; 「香港」指 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區; 「指示」指 凱基亞洲真誠地認為是由客戶或任何獲授權人士發出之書面、口頭或電子通訊,及為免生疑問,包括電子通訊(定義見下文本客戶協議 A 部分第 15 條); 「投資」指 凱基亞洲可能不時向客戶發售或提供之所有或任何證券或期權合約及任何其他投資產品; 「凱基亞洲網站」指 位於 xxx.xxxxxxxxx.xxx 並由凱基亞洲或代其操作及/或維護之互聯網網站及/或其他凱基亞洲不時指定之網站(包括其任何繼承或替代網站); 「損失」指 任何損失、損害賠償、訴訟、申索、索求、行動、責任、訟費、刑罰、罰款、稅項、費用及支出不等,包括但不限於任何直接或間接、特別或招致之損失(不論有關合約方是否知悉發生該等損失之可能性或對其有合理預測)、任何溢利損失、收入損失、商譽或聲譽之損害、損失合約或商業機會、損失款額用途、無法收回款額、錯誤繳付款額、利息及任何其他對第三者任何性質之責任; 「保證金」指 凱基亞洲不時要求客戶須存放於、轉讓予或促使轉讓予凱基亞洲或其代名人或由凱基亞洲或其代名人持有作為帳戶項下保證或客戶履行責任擔保之款項、合資格證券及╱或其他資產或抵押品; 「保證金融資信貸」指 凱基亞洲根據本客戶協議之條文以及凱基亞洲與客戶不時協定之具體條款向客戶不時作出或提供之循環信貸融資; 「保證金百分比」指 客戶獲允許按保證金可自凱基亞洲借入(或另行獲得其他形式之財務通融)之最高合資格證券市值之有關百分比或比率; 「市場規定」指 (a)任何有關司法管轄區之適用法律、規則、規例、法律條文或法令、及(b) 任何監管機構、執法機構、政府機構、稅務機關、交易 所、市場、結算所、保管機構、託管機構、或其他具管轄權之機構或主管機關的任何適用規定、限制、請求、憲章、附例、規則、規例、慣例、指示、指引、守則或政策(不論是否具有法律效力); 「市值」指 就任何既定時間之任何特定證券而⾔,凱基亞洲全權酌情確定可通過其於有關時間在通常交易相同類型證券之市場上出售該等證券時可以取得之市場價值; 「期權合約」 (A) 指立約⼀方(賣家或沽出人)給予另⼀方(買家或持有人)某種選擇權或權利(但並無義務)之合約,該選擇權或權利是可在該合約內指明的時間或在該合約內指明的時間或該時間之前根據該合約之有關條款及條件行使 (a) 以達下述目的: (i)以議定代價購買或售賣議定數量之指明股份或交易所買賣基金股份或單位或其他證券;或 (ii)購買或售賣(視乎情況而定)議定價值的指明股份或交易所買賣基金股份或單位或其他證券;或(b)以獲支付⼀筆參照該合約內指明的股份或交易所買賣基金股份或單位或其他證券的價值或參照該合約內指明的某項指數的水平來計算的款項;及/或(B)具有期權交易規則內賦予該詞之涵義; 「期權交易規則」指 香港聯合交易所有限公司期權交易規則及其不時生效之任何修訂、補充、更改...
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Related to 釋義及詮釋

  • Alabama CANCELLATION section is amended as follows: A ten percent (10%) penalty per month shall be applied to refunds not paid or credited within thirty (30) days of receipt of returned Service Agreement.

  • Recycling If this Agreement provides for the purchase or use of goods specified in PCC 12207 (for example, certain paper products, office supplies, mulch, glass products, lubricating oils, plastic products, paint, antifreeze, tires and tire-derived products, and metal products), this section is applicable with respect to those goods. Without limiting the foregoing, if this Agreement includes (i) document printing, (ii) parts cleaning, or (iii) janitorial and building maintenance services, this section is applicable. Contractor shall use recycled products in the performance of this Agreement to the maximum extent doing so is economically feasible. Upon request, Contractor shall certify in writing under penalty of perjury, the minimum, if not exact, percentage of post consumer material as defined in the PCC 12200, in such goods regardless of whether the goods meet the requirements of PCC 12209. With respect to printer or duplication cartridges that comply with the requirements of PCC 12156(e), the certification required by this subdivision shall specify that the cartridges so comply.

  • Houston Vendor's Principal Place of Business (State) In what state is Vendor's principal place of business located?

  • 1General Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, any notice, demand or request required or permitted to be given by a Party to the other Parties and any instrument required or permitted to be tendered or delivered by a Party in writing to the other Parties shall be effective when delivered and may be so given, tendered or delivered, by recognized national courier, or by depositing the same with the United States Postal Service with postage prepaid, for delivery by certified or registered mail, addressed to the Party, or personally delivered to the Party, at the address set out in Appendix F hereto. A Party may change the notice information in this Agreement by giving five (5) Business Days written notice prior to the effective date of the change.

  • Arkansas CANCELLATION section is amended as follows: A ten percent (10%) penalty per month shall be applied to refunds not paid or credited within forty-five (45) days of receipt of returned Service Agreement.

  • Louisiana East Baton Rouge Xxxxx Ascension Xxxxxxxxx West Baton Rouge Avoyelles Terrebonne Richland East Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Iberia Xxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx Catahoula Iberville E. Bienville Xxxxxxxxxx Concordia Jefferson NE Xxxx Assumption Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx NW Tensas Ascension Grant Orleans NW Catahoula Point Coupee Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Plaquemines NW Madison St. Xxxxx XxXxxxx St. Xxxx X. XxXxxxx Iberville Natchitoches St. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Lafourche Rapides Lafayette X. Xxxxxxx St. Xxxx the Baptist Xxxxxx Orleans X. Xxxxxxx Tangipahoa Xxxx Plaquemines Union St. Xxxxxxx St. Helena St. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx St. Xxxxxx St. Xxxxx St. Xxxx Xxxxxxx St. Xxxxxx St. Tammany Ouachita Claiborne Acadia Washington St. Xxxx Vermilion Iberia N. St. Xxxxxx Plaquemines Maryland Xxxx Arundel Baltimore Baltimore City Harford Prince Georges Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Michigan DuPage Xxxxxxxxxx Oakland Washtenaw Xxxxxxxx XxXxxx St. Clair Xxxxx XxXxxx Xxxxxx Mississippi Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Issaquena Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Xxxxx River Xxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx Stone Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx Yazoo Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx Copiah

  • Energy Conservation The Contractor agrees to comply with mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency which are contained in the state energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act.

  • Oddělitelnost Pokud bude jakékoliv ustanovení, právo nebo nápravný prostředek uvedený v této Smlouvě shledán soudem příslušné jurisdikce nevynutitelným nebo neúčinným, nebude tím ovlivněna platnost a vynutitelnost zbývajících ustanovení.

  • South Africa If the Territory is South Africa, the MicroStrategy con contracting entity on the order is MicroStrategy South Africa (Proprietary) Limited, whose registered office is at 1st Floor, Building 6, Parc Nicol Office Park, 3001 William Nicol Drive, Bryanston, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa, and the following terms apply: (a) the Governing Law will be the laws of South Africa; and (b) any disputes, actions, claims or causes of action arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the parties’ relationship under it will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of High Court of South Africa; and (c) the first sentence of the second paragraph of the “Data Protection” section of the General Terms is deleted and replaced with the following: “We have implemented appropriate technical, organizational, and security measures designed to safeguard and protect Protected Data provided by you to us and we may access, use and transfer such Protected Data to our affiliates and third parties (including those located outside of the European Economic Area and South Africa) only for the purposes of fulfilling our obligations and exercising our rights, providing information to you and complying with our legal and auditing requirements.”; and (d) references to “CPI” in the Agreement will be deemed to refer to the Consumer Price Index for South Africa for the previous 12 months.

  • Energy Policy and Conservation Act Both parties hereby agree to comply with all mandatory standards and policies relating to energy efficiency, which are contained in the state energy conservation plan issued in compliance with the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (Pub. L. 94-163, 89 Stat. 871).

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