Article Vzorová ustanovení

Article. I. Purpose of the Contract and definition of terms The purpose of this Contract is in the public interest, in accordance with Section 17 (2) of the Public Health Insurance Act, to achieve cost savings for the Insurance Company for the Product by limiting health insurance costs. The purpose of this Contract is not to interfere in any way with the process of determining the maximum price and/or amount and terms of reimbursement of the Product, nor to interfere with or influence in any way the prescribing behaviour of doctors, which shall continue to be in accordance with the conditions of good clinical practice and shall not be in any way directly or indirectly influenced by this Contract and/or the Insurance Company. For the purposes of this Contract, the following meanings are used: The Association of Health Insurance Companies of the Czech Republic (hereinafter referred to as “SZP ČR”) – an association of the following health insurance companies: Vojenská zdravotní pojišťovna České republiky, Česká průmyslová zdravotní pojišťovna, Oborová zdravotní pojišťovna zaměstnanců bank, pojišťoven a stavebnictví, Zaměstnanecká pojišťovna Škoda, Zdravotní pojišťovna ministerstva vnitra České republiky, RBP, zdravotní pojišťovna; SÚKL - the State Institute for Drug Control; Product – the medicinal product specified in Annex No. 1 to this Contract reimbursed to the Provider under the SÚKL code; Insured Person – a person according to the Public Health Insurance Act registered with the Insurance Company on the date the health care service is provided; Provider – a provider of health care services that has a valid contract on the provision and reimbursement of health care services with the Insurance Company (provision and payment of health care contract), including payment of the Product, on the date the health care service is provided, including the use of the Product; Holder – the holder of the marketing authorisation for the Product within the meaning of Act No. 378/2007 Coll., on Pharmaceuticals and on Amendments to Certain Related Acts (hereinafter referred to as the “Pharmaceuticals Act”), as amended, or the Holder’s representative; Repayment – the amount determined by this Contract that the Insurance Company is entitled to receive into its Basic Fund
Article. V. – Rights and duties of the Contractual Parties 1. The Holder undertakes to a. market the Product in the Czech Republic so that the maximum reimbursement for the Product by the Insurance Company shall not exceed the Price of the Product
Article. X. If a State ratifies or accedes to the 1974 Limitation Convention after the entry into force of this Protocol, the ratification or accession shall also constitute an accession to this Protocol if the State notifies the depositary accordingly. Article XI. Any State which becomes a Contracting Party to the 1974 Limitation Convention, as amended by this Protocol, by virtue of articles VIII, IX or X of this Protocol shall, unless it notifies the depositary to the contrary, be considered to be also a Contracting Party to the Convention, unamended, in relation to any Contracting Party to the Convention not yet a Contracting Party to this Protocol.
Article. 11.2 In the absence of a Secretariat and a secretarial staff of its own, the Federation will ask the Federation Member to which the General Secretary belongs to perform the secretarial work on behalf of the Federation. If this member indicates that it is not able to comply with this request, the Executive Committee is entitled to seek whatever solution is considered feasible.
Article. 13/ Amendments or additions to the contract
Article. 4.2 One member state of the European Union can be represented by up to two of the lan- guage institutions as stated above. If there are more such institutions within a member state, they should determine among themselves which of them will be proposed as Federation Mem- bers.
Article. 6.2 Associate Members also pay a membership fee. This fee will be the same for each As- sociate Member. The General Assembly establishes the level of contribution. The fee for Associ- ate Members shall not be higher than 50% of the fee of a Member Country.
Article. 6.3 If a country of the European Union does not have a central or nationally supported lan- guage institution, this country may be represented by up to two representatives from relevant academic fields. If these representatives have no administrative body or institution which pays the country’s membership fee they will not have to pay fees and will not have a right to vote in voting procedures regarding matters internal to the Federation, but will be entitled to take part in voting procedures concerning the approval of position points and opinions regarding funda- mental aspects of national or European policy. If an administrative body or a language institution pays the country’s membership fee, then the representatives will become regular delegates and receive full voting rights. In such cases the body or institution which pays the country’s fee will become a Federation Member in its own right.
Article. 7.2 A qualified majority is necessary in the following cases:
Article. 8.1 There will be at least one meeting of the General Assembly during each work year. This meeting will normally take place in the period between 1st of October and the 30th of November of each year and will normally be combined with a working conference. This regular meeting of the General Assembly will decide on the financial budget and work programme for the forthcoming year and on the financial and activity reports regarding the last working year, ad- mit new Federation Members and Associate Members, admit observers to the General As- sembly and elect the members of the Executive Committee.