cont Vzorová ustanovení

cont. Such notification shall include: --------------------------------------------------------------
cont. Flight representatives and interpreters shall have the rights and obligations set forth in Annex G to this Treaty. ----------------------------------------------------------------
cont. If the observed Party is unable to demonstrate that the sensors or associated equipment on board the observation aircraft correspond to those certified in accordance with Annex D to the Treaty, the observing Party shall have the right to: ----------------------------------------------------------------
cont. All other costs connected with a deviation from the flight plan of the observation flight, as defined in Section I, paragraph 1 (A) of this Decision, shall be paid by the observing Party. ----------------------------------------------------------------
cont. A price list for such goods shall be distributed to all States Parties by the Depositaries no later than 31 January each year.
cont. The physical size of each corner reflector shall be optimised for SARs with operating wavelengths of between 0.03 and 0.05 metres.
cont. The datum 1013.2 hPa has the same value as 1013.2 mb, 29.92 inches Hg and 760 mm Hg. --------------------------------------------------------------
cont. When determining Hmin only for the minimum angle from vertical the resulting value of Hmin is accepted as mandatory for all other angles of deviation from vertical settings. --------------------------------------------------------------
cont. Unless otherwise agreed, at least ten experienced observers, representing the States Parties taking part in a demonstration flight, shall examine the images of the calibration target. --------------------------------------------------------------
cont. Commercially available error correcting techniques commonly used to record on to and extract digital data from magnetic media and techniques designed to allow the multiplexing of data from multiple sensors or multiple colour bands on to a single recorder are not considered encoding techniques. -------------------------------------------------------------- Výraz "detekční prvek" označuje nejmenší definovatelný prvek detekčního souboru v infračerveném řádkovém snímacím zařízení. The term "detector element" means the smallest definable element of the detector array in an infrared line‑scanning device. -------------------------------------------------------------- Výraz "krajinný prvek" označuje plochu na zemi, která se promítá na jediný detekční prvek. The term "scene element" means the area on the ground that is projected on to a single detector element. -------------------------------------------------------------- Výraz "zobrazovací prvek" označuje uchovávaný signál vyjádřený číslicovou formou, který představuje jediný krajinný prvek. The term "image element" means the stored digitized signal representing a single scene element. -------------------------------------------------------------- Výraz "video zobrazovací jednotka" označuje monitor používaný pro analýzy údajů, včetně jakékoliv jiné připojené elektroniky pro zpracování obrazu, která je schopná provést zobrazení z údajů v analogového nebo digitálního formátu, údajů, které byly shromážděny infračerveným řádkovým snímacím zařízením. The term "video display" means a monitor used for the analysis of data, including any associated image processing electronics, that is capable of displaying, from data in analogue or digital format, the data collected by an infrared line‑scanning device. -------------------------------------------------------------- Výraz "uchovávání snímků" označuje digitální paměť, která je schopna uchovat alespoň úplné zobrazení kalibračního cíle, kde každý jednotlivý zobracovací prvek je uchováván v oddělené paměťové buňce. The term "frame store" means a digital memory that is capable of storing at least a complete image of a calibration target where each individual image element is stored at a separate memory cell. -------------------------------------------------------------- Výraz "šedá úroveň/šedý stupeň odstínu" označuje numerickou hodnotu zobrazovacího prvku na osmibitovou škálu mezi nulou a 255. The term "grey level" means the numerical value of an image element on an eight‑bit...