Delivery Vzorová ustanovení

Delivery. 8.1. Any and all written notices sent by the Provider and/or the Client shall be considered as delivered if they are delivered to the other Party in person or through a postal service operator, electronically or via data box. 8.2. The notices shall be considered as delivered: • As of the moment of handover in the case of a personal delivery; • As of the 3rd (in words: third) calendar day, at the latest, after the dispatch in the case of a shipment sent by registered mail; • As of the 10th (in words: tenth) calendar day, at the latest, after the dispatch in the case of a registered mail sent to the attention of the addressee; • As of the day when the delivery is confirmed by the receiving party (including automatic message on delivery) in the case of e-mail; • As of the 10th day, at the latest, from submission of the message in the data box, in the case of a notice sent via data box. 9.
Delivery a. Unless otherwise provided in the Special Terms and Conditions, Licensor shall deliver the Materials to Licensee prior to the start of the License Period at Licensee’s sole expense (including delivery, import duties, insurance fees, custom charges, etc.).
Delivery. When ready, Licensor shall send a written notification to Distributor that the “Initial Materials” are available for delivery (“NOD”), namely that Licensor is prepared to delivery all such materials no later than 30 days thereafter. Initial Materials shall at least contain:
Delivery. 11.1. Information can be sent to Xxxxx’x email address.
Delivery. 6.1 The Licensor shall deliver the Materials to the Licensee at the Delivery Address on or before the Delivery Date in exchange for payment by the Licensee of any sums due to the Licensor on Delivery. If any payments due to the Licensor prior to Delivery have not been made by the Licensee, the Licensor shall be entitled to delay Delivery of the Materials until after it has received such payments.
Delivery. The Software may be delivered via electronic delivery or via a tangible medium, such as a CD, and if applicable, the Software may be supplied with a valid serial number and/or License Key (as defined below). The Software and Documentation and any copies that Licensee is authorized by Adobe to make thereof are the intellectual property of and are owned by Adobe and its suppliers. The structure, organization, and code of the Software are the valuable trade secrets and confidential information of Adobe and its suppliers. The Software and Documentation are protected by copyright, including without limitation by United States Copyright Law, international treaty provisions, and applicable laws in the country in which it is being used. Except as expressly stated herein, this Agreement does not grant Licensee any intellectual property rights in the Software and Documentation and all rights not expressly granted are reserved by Adobe.
Delivery. Dodací podmínky jsou DAP (Incoterms Delivery terms are DAP (Incoterms 2010)
Delivery. 6.1 Pokud není písemně uvedeno jinak, jsou Výrobky považovány za dodané
Delivery. (a) Delivery: "Delivery" by Licensor means delivery to Distributor at Distributor’s sole expense of the Picture of the Materials as listed below. Material to be delivered to Distributor at Distributor’s cost, unless otherwise set forth in the Deal Terms. All freight charges including return freight (including custom clearance costs, if any) at Distributor’s sole expense.
Delivery. (a) The Licensor agrees to use its reasonable efforts to deliver the Material set out in the Agreement by the Delivery Date. Delivery of the Material by the Licensor to the Licensee or to the Licensee's agent or to a carrier or to any shipping agent designated by the Licensee shall be deemed to be delivery hereunder and the Licensor shall not be liable for any default or action taken or default made in delivery by any other party. All costs of delivery to the Licensee and return to the Licensor shall be paid by the Licensee. In the event that no mode of delivery is expressly designated in writing in any individual instance by the Licensee, then delivery by air freight or post or by rail express shall be deemed to be the proper delivery by the Licensor to the Licensee hereunder. Except where specifically paid for by the Licensee, all Material shall remain the Property of the Licensor, the copyright owner or third party as the case may be subject only to the right of the Licensee to make use thereof in accordance with the terms of the Standards Terms and the Agreement. In the event that Material is unavailable for any specific telecast date, the Licensor shall notify the Licensee. The Licensor shall not be deemed to be in breach of the Standards Terms or Agreement as a result of the aforesaid unavailability but shall use its reasonable endeavour to supply Material in good time for transmission; and