Foreign Terminology Vzorová ustanovení

Foreign Terminology. There are plenty of words borrowed from French and Latin (Bázlik and Xxxxxx 2009, 17). The law is tightly connected with Latin and French, because of the historical background. There is a close connection, especially with Latin. In the language of law are many Latin expressions which usually are not being even translated and stands in their original form. However, the decision whether to translate or not depends on situation and purpose of the text. For instance, in most of the normative acts are Latin collocations remain in their original form and they are not translated both in English and Czech languages. On the other hand, in Judgments of the Court, when it comes to interpretation of the law, some of the original English versions contain untranslated Latin expression and in the Czech version has this term translated. As far as concern judicial decisions, they are not normative acts, and they belong to the category of individual legal acts. They are not primary sources of law as the normative ones and their purpose is to apply normative legal acts to individual cases (Xxxxxxx 2013, 74– 77). In the English language are Latin expressions more prevailed than in the Czech language which could be caused by their linguistics history (Xxxxx and Sours 2014, 58). Analysing the relationship between English and Latin, the frequent usage of Latin words in English legal texts has been found. As Bázlik and Xxxxxx mention, “It is a well-known fact that many English words exist in pairs, of which one is Germanic and the other of Latin origin, e.g., Work – labour, car – automobile, etc.” (Bázlik and Xxxxxx 2010). Speaking of Czech and Latin, there are also some words which were borrowed from Latin and found a place in our national corpus. However, their use is not so frequent as in English.Archaic Words. Another specific feature of legal language is the use of archaic words both in English and Czech legal languages. Most frequent archaic words in legal English are, e.g., hereinafter, heretofore darraign or aforesaid (Xxxxxxxx 2007, 32). Czech equivalents of these words are considered as archaisms in Czech environment as well, and their usage in legal language is frequent. They are being translated as níže, doposud, drahý or výše uveden. Whether the occurrence of archaic words is visible within the texts published by the EU, is analysed in the practical part of this thesis.

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