Hygiena a bezpečnost ve wellnessu Vzorová ustanovení

Hygiena a bezpečnost ve wellnessu during which the object / room / relaxation area will be decommissioned due to the damage. The customer has this obligation even if the damage is caused by children or other persons staying with the customer. The landlord is obliged to hand over the accommodation to the customer in a condition suitable for proper use and to ensure the unhindered exercise of his / her rights connected with the accommodation. The landlord shall take care of the removal of the reported defects without undue delay and shall maintain the accommodation premises in proper technical and hygienic condition. At the same time, the customer agrees that throughout the rental term, the owner or administrator, handyman or security agency employee has the right to enter the accommodation for the purpose of carrying out their duties. The landlord has the right to inspect the accommodation in his presence after the customer has finished his stay. We ask our customers not to regard this activity as a sign of distrust. Thank you for your understanding. The landlord is not responsible for the damage to health (or damage to property) of the customers caused by their carelessness, inattention, negligence, misuse or poor supervision.
Hygiena a bezpečnost ve wellnessu. Je zakázáno skákat do bazénu. Před vstupem do bazénu nebo do vířivky se osprchujte. Pokud to neuděláte, zakalí se vám voda. Výměna vody ve vířivce na požádání je možná za částku 500Kč. Výměna vody v bazénu za 2.500Kč. Je zakázáno používat skleněné nádobí v bazénu, ve vířivce nebo v sauně. Pot a skleněné střepy jsou největší nepřítel všech bazénů a jejich uživatelů! V kuchyni jsou k dispozici plastové skleničky. V domě nechodíme v botách. Přezouváme se, boty zůstávají v chodbě. Všechny podlahy jsou vyhřívané. Spa je zónou klidu, reprodukovaná hudba není povolena.