Provision of the Services Vzorová ustanovení

Provision of the Services. 2.1. The Provider provides the Services to the Service Recipients in the Medical Facilities. 2.2. The specific description and scope of the Services and performances provided by the Provider to the Service Recipients entitled to these Services and performances, or who buy them individually, are stated in these BTC. 2.3. The Client acknowledges that the medical care within the public health insurance is provided in the Provider’s Medical Facilities to the Service Recipients in the scope stipulated by the relevant legal regulations and agreements entered into between the Provider and the relevant Medical Insurers.
Provision of the Services. 1.1 Služby budou prováděny v souladu s číslem protokolu 221530 a všemi dalšími dodatky uzavřenými v souladu s touto smlouvou a se všemi platnými zákony, pravidly a předpisy vztahujícími se ke klinickému hodnocení. Protokol podléhá schválení příslušným regulačním orgánem (souhrnně „RA“). Pokud dojde k jakýmkoli nesrovnalostem nebo rozporu mezi podmínkami obsaženými v protokolu a v této smlouvě, podmínky protokolu budou mít přednost ve vztahu ke klinickým záležitostem a podmínky smlouvy budou mít přednost ve vztahu ke všem ostatním záležitostem. 1.1 The Services shall be undertaken in accordance with the Protocol number 221530 and any subsequent amendments made thereto in accordance with this Agreement, and with all applicable laws, rules and regulations relating to the Clinical Trial. The Protocol is subject to approval by the appropriate Regulatory Authorities (collectively “RA”). If there is any discrepancy or conflict between the terms contained in the Protocol and this Agreement, the terms of the Protocol shall govern and control with respect to clinical matters and the terms of the Agreement shall govern and control with respect to all other matters.