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Payment terms Vzorová ustanovení

Payment terms. 4.3.1 All amounts will be set in euro. The amounts of Registration Fee and Annual User Fee do not include value added tax (VAT) which shall apply and shall be paid by the Company to CzMVO according to the relevant legal regulations. The Company shall be responsible for the payment of any withholding taxes, similar taxes, duties levies and such payments relating to the Fees payable hereunder. 4.3.2 An Invoice for the Annual User Fee will be issued in November of the year preceding the year for which the Annual User Fee is paid and the payment term is sixty (60) days from the date of the Invoice. 4.3.3 The Registration Fee is payable based on an Invoice issued by CzMVO within thirty (30) days from conclusion hereof and the payment term is sixty (60) days from the date of the Invoice. In the event that the 4.3.4 CzMVO vystaví Opravný doklad ke dni zjištění vzniku práva na slevu nebo vzniku povinnosti uhradit příplatek Společností. 4.3.5 Vedle příslušných práv a odškodnění, které přísluší CzMVO v případě prodlení Společnosti s plněním svých podstatných platebních závazků, Společnost uhradí CzMVO i úrok z prodlení podle příslušných právních předpisů. 4.3.6 Fakturační údaje Společnosti budou písemně sděleny CzMVO po uzavření této Dohody. Jakékoliv změny těchto údajů budou oznámeny CzMVO písemně bez zbytečného odkladu. 4.3.7 Budou-li poplatky za Společnost hrazeny třetí osobou, zůstává Společnost v každém případě výlučně odpovědná za plnění této Dohody, Směrnice a Nařízení v přenesené pravomoci. 4.3.8 Všechny platby budou provedeny v eurech nebo v korunách českých bezhotovostním převodem. Pro platby v českých korunách se použije oficiální směnný kurz EUR/CZK vyhlášený Českou národní bankou pro první den měsíce, ve kterém byla příslušná Faktura vystavena. 4.3.9 Jakákoliv platba podle této Dohody je provedena dnem připsání příslušné částky na bankovní účet CzMVO. 4.3.10 Smluvní strany sjednávají, že poskytnutí služby registrace do systému CzMVS a poskytování služeb dle této Smlouvy v průběhu kalendářního roku představují pro účely daně z přidané hodnoty dílčí plnění. Dílčí plnění se považují za uskutečněná dnem vystavení příslušné Faktury na Registrační poplatek nebo na Roční uživatelský poplatek.
Payment terms a) Usage and Invoicing. Customer will pay all Fees based on: (a) Revolgy’s measurements of Customer’s use of the Services, in relation to which Revolgy’s determination is final; (b) any Reserved Units selected; (c) any Committed Purchases selected; and (d) any Package Purchases selected. Revolgy will invoice Customer on a monthly basis for all Fees accrued at the end of each month (unless otherwise set out at the Fees URL for the applicable SKU). Revolgy has no obligation to provide multiple bills. b) Invoice Disputes. Any invoice disputes must be submitted prior to the payment due date. If the parties determine that certain billing inaccuracies are attributable to Revolgy, Revolgy will not issue a corrected invoice, but will instead issue a credit memo specifying the incorrect amount in the affected invoice. If the disputed invoice has not yet been paid, Revolgy will apply the credit memo amount to the disputed invoice and Customer will be responsible for paying the resulting net balance due on that invoice. c) Purchase Orders. (i) Required. If Customer requires a purchase order number on its invoice, Customer will select “Yes” in the Binding Order section and issue a purchase order to Revolgy. If Customer requires a purchase order number, and fails to provide the purchase order to Revolgy, then Services will not have to be provided until Revolgy receives the purchase order. If Customer requires an updated purchase order to cover its actual usage under this Agreement, then Customer will provide an additional purchase order to Revolgy. If Customer fails to provide an additional purchase order to cover its actual usage, then Customer waives any purchase order requirement and (i) Revolgy will invoice Customer without a purchase order number; and (ii) Customer will pay invoices without a purchase order number referenced. (ii) Not Required. If Customer does not require a purchase order number to be included on the invoice, Customer must select “No” in the purchase order section of the Binding Order. If Customer waives the purchase order requirement, then: (i) Revolgy will invoice Customer without a purchase order; and (ii) Customer will pay invoices without a purchase order. (iii) The parties agree that none of the terms and conditions in any purchase order issued by Customer will apply to or modify this Agreement and that any terms or conditions in such purchase orders are null and void. d) Revising Fees. Notwithstanding Clause 1, letter e), point (ii), Fees ...
Payment terms. The client will pay the agreed price progressively in partial payments based on partial performances of the work in accordance with Annex 4 to the Contract – Performance Schedule, after the proper and faultless execution of the work/partial performance of the work and its delivery and acceptance with a handover report according to this contract and the removal of any defects in the work identified during acceptance; the contractor is not entitled to invoice the contractual price earlier nor does it have the right to an advance or part of the price of the work. If the client accepts partial performance, the contractor is entitled to invoice the corresponding part of the price of the work. The client will pay the price of the work based on an invoice issued by the contractor with the elements of a tax and accounting document. The client will pay the price of the work within 30 days from the day the contractor delivers the invoice to him. The day of payment is the day the amount is transferred by the client to the contractor’s account. Regardless of the previous provision, as long as any defects in the work mentioned in the handover report or pointed out in writing by the client after the delivery of the work have not been rectified, the client will not be in delay with the payment of the price of the work until the defects have been rectified by the contractor. The client is entitled to raise written objections against the invoice within 10 days from the day the invoice is delivered to him; the submission of objections interrupts the period for the payment of the price of the work. The contractor will inform the client in writing about the resolution of the objections within 10 days from the day it received them. If the contractor acknowledges the objections as justified, the notification will include a corrected invoice; if the contractor does not respond within the agreed period, it is deemed that it acknowledges the objections as justified. In these cases, a new period for the payment of the price of the work of 30 days from the delivery of the corrected invoice to the client runs. If the contractor does not acknowledge the objections, it will provide in the notification true, clear, and understandable reasons why it disagrees with the objections; the price of the work is then due within 15 days from the delivery of the notification with all its elements to the client. The price of the work will be paid by the client by bank transfer to the contractor’s a...
Payment terms. 4.1 The Buyer is obliged to pay the Seller the full amount of the purchase price properly and on time. The Buyer will only receive the Goods once the purchase price is paid. 4.2 The Buyer is obliged to pay the purchase price in cash or by credit card.
Payment terms. 4.3.1 All amounts will be set in euro. The amounts of Registration Fee and Annual User Fee do not include value added tax (VAT) which shall apply and shall be paid by the Company to CzMVO according to the relevant legal regulations. The Company shall be responsible for the payment of any withholding taxes, similar taxes, duties levies and such payments relating to the Fees payable hereunder. 4.3.2 An Invoice for the Annual User Fee will be issued in November of the year preceding the year for which the Annual User Fee is paid and the payment term is sixty (60) days from the date of the Invoice. 4.3.3 The Registration Fee is payable based on an Invoice issued by CzMVO within thirty (30) days from conclusion hereof and the payment term is sixty (60) days from the date of the Invoice. 4.3.4 CzMVO will issue a Corrective Document on the day of the potential finding out of the right to a discount or the obligation to pay a surcharge by the Company. 4.3.5 In addition to any other rights and remedies available to CzMVO, if the Company is in delay of its substantial payment obligation, interest for delayed payments will accrue in accordance with the relevant legal regulations. 4.3.6 The Company’s invoicing details shall be communicated to CzMVO in writing upon the conclusion of this Agreement. Any changes shall be communicated to CzMVO in writing without undue delay. 4.3.7 If the Fees are paid by a third party on behalf of the Company, the Company shall in any case remain solely responsible and liable for the compliance with this Agreement, including the Directive and the Delegated Regulation. 4.3.8 All payments will be made either in euro or Czech crowns by wire transfers. For payments in Czech crowns, the official Czech National Bank’s EUR/CZK exchange rate valid as at the first day of the month in which the respective Invoice has been issued shall be used. 4.3.9 Jakákoliv platba podle této Dohody je provedena dnem připsání příslušné částky na bankovní účet CzMVO. 4.3.10 Smluvní strany sjednávají, že poskytnutí služby registrace do systému CzMVS a poskytování služeb dle této Smlouvy v průběhu kalendářního roku představují pro účely daně z přidané hodnoty dílčí plnění. Dílčí plnění se považují za uskutečněná dnem vystavení příslušné Faktury na Registrační poplatek nebo na Roční uživatelský poplatek.
Payment terms. 5.1 The Purchaser shall not pay a deposit to the Seller. 5.2 The Purchase price shall be paid upon handover and acceptance of the delivery based on tax documents (hereinafter only the “invoices”) issued by the Seller. Regarding the invoices, the amount of investment supply, together with any 5.3 Pokud bude dodávka Prodávajícím předána a Kupujícím převzata bez vad a nedodělků, uhradí Kupující ve lhůtě splatnosti dle bodu 5.4 Smlouvy celou Kupní cenu včetně DPH (mimo článku 4.5). Pokud Kupující převezme dodávku, na níž se vyskytují vady či nedodělky, uhradí Kupující ve lhůtě splatnosti dle bodu 5.4 pouze 85 % Kupní ceny a DPH v plné výši, zádržné ve výši 15 % Kupní ceny uhradí Kupující až po odstranění poslední vady a posledního nedodělku uvedeného v protokolu o předání a převzetí, a to ve lhůtě splatnosti dle bodu 5.4 Smlouvy počítané ode dne odstranění poslední vady či nedodělku.
Payment terms. 5.1. Association will pay the price for the contract based on the appropriate tax document (“invoice”), after the Supply is delivered and after its quality and technical parameters are verified. 5.2. The due date of the invoice shall not be earlier than 30 days from the date of the delivery of the invoice to the Association. 5.3. All the charges are payable by bank transfer to the supplier´s account according to the invoice issued by the supplier. 5.4. The invoice shall fulfil all the statutory requirements for tax document and shall include a clear reference (number, designation etc.) on the contract concluded with the chosen supplier. In case the invoice does not include given requirements, Association is entitled to send it back before the due date to the supplier to be supplemented or corrected without being delayed with maturity. In such a case the maturity period starts again after the supplemented or corrected invoice is delivered. 5.5. For a supplier registered to VAT in the Czech Republic applies: In case the supplier is, at the moment of performance of the contract, indicated by the tax administrator as “unreliable payer” according to § 106a Act No. 235/2004 Coll. (Czech Republic; hereinafter “Act”), or in case the supplier´s account stated by the supplier at the invoice is not published by the tax administrator according to § 98, para. d) of the Act, or in case supplier´s account stated by the supplier at the invoice is an account held by the payment service supplier out of the Czech Republic, the contract price will be considered as paid even if Association pays to supplier only the price without VAT and the VAT is paid directly to the appropriate account of Financial office.
Payment terms. 1. The rent and the flat payment for the services shall be paid monthly, through a wire transfer to the Lessor's bank account, based on a tax document (invoice), which shall be issued by the Lessor always no later than on the fifth business day of the calendar month with respect to which the payments are made, with the maturity of thirty (30) calendar days from the date of issuance of the document, but in any event the maturity date shall not be earlier than of the fifth business day of the month with respect to which the payments are made. The first calendar day of the month, with respect to which the payment is made, shall be the date of taxable supply. 2. In the case that the lease is not agreed as from the first calendar day of month, the tax document shall be issued for the pro rata part of the rent and flat payment for the services as of the date of commencement of the agreed lease term, with maturity of thirty (30) calendar days from the date of issuance of the document. The date of commencement of the agreed lease term shall be the date of taxable supply. 3. The Lessor shall issue the tax document with respect to payment of the lease-related services paid by the Lessee on the basis of real consumption without any unnecessary delay after the end of the relevant calendar month, upon receipt of any and all documents from both direct and indirect providers of the services, as necessary for preparation of the bill. The tax document shall be payable within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of issuance thereof. The last calendar day of the month, with respect to which the payment is made, shall be the date of taxable supply. 4. The Lessee shall make the above payments through a wire transfer to the Lessor's bank account specified in the heading hereof. 5. The Lessee's obligation to pay the rent or the services shall be fulfilled once the full amount is credited to the Lessor's account. 6. VAT in the relevant amount based on the legal regulations in force shall be added to any and all rents and payments for the services. The Lessee presents the Certificate of registration for VAT as Annex No. 3 hereto.
Payment terms. (1) Invoices shall be settled within 14 calendar days of the invoice issue date unless other agreements have been made between the Parties. Any (bank) charges associated with monetary transactions are to be borne by the Buyer. (2) In the case of bank transfers, the payment shall be considered as executed on the day when the relevant amount is credited to the Seller’s bank account. (3) In the event of a default in payment, the Seller shall be entitled to charge interest on arrears at a rate of 9.2% percentage points p.a. above the respective base interest rate of the Austrian National Bank and to demand the reimbursement of any xxxxxxx expenses. (4) Payments set off: In the event the Buyer owes debts to the Seller, irrespective of any adverse terms and conditions of the (5) V případě poklesu úvěrové spolehlivosti kupujícího (na základě informací týkajících se jeho pozice aktiv získaných prodávajícím nebo na základě písemného oznámení od externího pojistitele úvěrů), negativních změn v jeho právním postavení, přerušení plateb, neúspěšných snah o inkaso pohledávek, nedodržování platebních podmínek, zahájení konkurzního řízení nebo soudního vyrovnání, zamítnutí jakékoli takové žádosti na základě nedostatečných aktiv či existence jakýchkoli jiných okolností, které mají vliv na úvěrovou spolehlivost kupujícího, bude prodávající oprávněn, podle vlastního uvážení, buď vyzvednout si neuhrazené zboží – přičemž kupující bude povinen vydat zboží prodávajícímu do osmi dnů poté, kdy obdrží od prodávajícího oznámení o záměru vyzvednout zboží –, nebo požadovat vhodnou záruku, nebo vypovědět kupní smlouvu písemnou výpovědí zaslanou 30 dnů před datem vypovězení. (6) V případě, že bude dohodnuto uhrazení kupní ceny ve splátkách, bude prodávající oprávněn prohlásit celý dluh za nesplacený a požadovat okamžité uhrazení všech otevřených pohledávek kupujícím, pokud jedna ze splátek nebyla uhrazena v dohodnutém časovém rámci. (7) Pokud kupující nedodrží své závazky plynoucí z dohody s prodávajícím, bude prodávající oprávněn kdykoli jednostranně anulovat jakékoli dříve poskytnuté nebo vystavené hotovostní slevy, jiné slevy nebo dobropisy a fakturovat je kupujícímu.
Payment terms. 4.3.1 All amounts will be set in euro. The amounts of Registration Fee and Annual User Fee do not include value added tax (VAT) which shall apply and shall be paid by the Company to CzMVO according to the relevant legal regulations. The Company shall be responsible for the payment of any withholding taxes, similar taxes, duties levies and such payments relating to the Fees payable hereunder. 4.3.2 An Invoice for the Annual User Fee will be issued in November of the year preceding the year for which the Annual User Fee is paid and the payment term is sixty (60) days from the date of the Invoice. 4.3.3 The Registration Fee is payable based on an Invoice issued by CzMVO within thirty (30) days from conclusion hereof and the payment term is sixty (60) days from the date of the Invoice. In the event that the amount of the Registration Fee will be adjusted due to the fact specified in Section 4.1.3, CzMVS shall issue a Corrective Document for the additional part of the Registration Fee accordingly. 4.3.4 CzMVO will issue a Corrective Document on the day of finding of the entitlement to a discount or the obligation to pay a surcharge of the Company. 4.3.5 In addition to any other rights and remedies available to CzMVO, if the Company is in delay of its substantial payment obligation, interest for delayed payments will accrue in accordance with the relevant legal regulations.