Validity and effectiveness. The Vzorová ustanovení

Validity and effectiveness. The. Agreement shall enter into force upon the day of its signing by both the parties of the Agreement. WrapStyle s.r.o. [• Franchisee's name] First and last name: [•] First and last name: [•] Position of: [•] position of: [•] place: [•] place: [•] date: [•] date: [•] First and last name: [•] Position of: [•] place: [•] date: [•] [• Guarantor's first and last name] date of birth: [•] address of residence [•] place: [•] date: [•] A franchise agreement is a document issued for setting relationships between two parties – the Franchisor (a person who is the bearer and the owner of the establishing rights of a business) whose name, themes and works are transferred onto another party – the Franchisee. The two parties are legally and financially independent, however, they are bound with the concept of one business. The Franchisor provides the right to the Franchisee to conduct their own business under the guidelines of the Franchisor (the rights and duties). The common denominator in this matter is the remuneration – a certain, by the agreement bound amount of money paid by the Franchisee to the Franchisor on the regular basis for doing so – for conducting their own business with the Franchisor's know-how (Xxxxxxxxxx, 2005, 4). Primarily, the translator has to realize what the environment of the franchise agreement is and for which linguistic environment its translation should be designed. In this case, the original company is Czech-based so all the documents that are written and produced are primarily in the Czech language. However, with the evolving and expending market of services, there arises the need for translation of these documents (and other text materials such as marketing and promotion documents, leaflets, etc.) into languages in which the company communicates with their new partners-to-be, with new franchisees who are about to become the bearers of the company's know-how, corporate colours, logos and other features so typical for the original company. The languages in which the company deals and negotiates with the franchisees is English. Even though there may be differences among the individual foreign legal systems within the field of commercial law and despite the fact all these differences would have to be taken into account should the agreement be drafted in the languages of these individual foreign legal systems, the situation described here underlies the fact that a Czech-based company provides and passes their rights and duties to another party wh...