ÚZEMNÍ PŮSOBNOST – LOCATION AND DESIGNATED AREA. The translation had been already submitted to the Company which had assigned the translator with the translation task and only after the submittance the translator consulted the legal dictionary by Chromá where územní působnost should be translated as local applicability. This phrase is, however, used mainly for the applicability of a law or jurisdiction, and so the location and designated area should conveniently address the subject of the article – ie. delimitation of a geographical or regional area within which the Franchisee is to become authorised to perform and conduct their business under this Agreement. The title of the article expresses clearly that a geographical area is considered and thus the translator felt the urge to avoid the use of the word applicability. Contractual language is as well as general legal language full of set phrases which serve in Czech and in English as set phrases. Translators thus do not have to spend excessive time on studying of authentic materials and documents and only supply the phrases in the original document with their English equivalents. The first several set phrases may be found in the titles of the articles of the Agreement as seen above. For example: