Collaboration Agreement for Clinical Trials Sample Contracts

Zmluva o spolupráci pri klinickom skúšaní
Collaboration Agreement for Clinical Trials • June 20th, 2012

Dr. August Wolff GmbH & Co KG Arzneimittel Sudbrackstrasse 56, D-33611 Bielefeld, Germany Zástupca spoločnosti: Ass. jur. Christoph Harras- Wolff, výkonný riaditeľ IČO: DE 124002286 Telefón: 00495218808451

Zmluva o spolupráci pri klinickom skúšaní podľa ust. § 269 ods. 2 zák. č. 513/1991 Zb. Obchodný zákonník, v znení neskorších predpisov („Zmluva“)
Collaboration Agreement for Clinical Trials • July 8th, 2013

AFFiRiS is a biotechnology company that develops innovative vaccines and plans to carry out a clinical study entitled: "A randomized, controlled, parallel group, double-blind, multi-centre, phase II study to assess the clinical- and immunological activity as well as the safety and tolerability of different doses/formulations of AFFITOPE AD02 administered repeatedly to patients with early Alzheimer’s disease" (hereinafter "Study") at various European study sites.