Definice Reference Currency

Reference Currency means the currency in which the Reference Account is kept and which is specified in the Frame Agreement for the purpose of the Multicurrency Overdraft Credit.

Examples of Reference Currency in a sentence

  • The respective Overdraft Credit may be drawn based on payment orders in the agreed currency provided that the Bank keeps a Current Account for the Client in this currency and, in case of the Multicurrency Overdraft Credit, the Bank keeps further the Reference Account in the Reference Currency.

  • For the duration of the unauthorised debit, the due amount shall be converted to the Reference Currency using the exchange rate under Article 7.1 of the Conditions, and the interest from the due amount shall be debited to the Reference Account.

  • For assessment whether this limit was not or will not be exceeded, the Drawdown on each Current Account specified in the Frame Agreement shall be converted from the Drawdown currency to the Reference Currency according to the foreign-exchange market rate of the Czech National Bank valid as at the conversion date.

  • The Reference Currency is always the agreed currency of the limit of the Multicurrency Overdraft Credit and the currency of the Reference Account.

Related to Reference Currency

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