Not Specified Sample Contracts

Standard Contracts

Not Specified • November 22nd, 2022
Repræsentantens navn, CVR-nr. (eller tilsvarende identifikationsnr.) og adresse Udsteders navn og CVR-nr. (eller tilsvarende identifikationsnr.) Udstedelse (ISIN- kode) Udstedelsens størrelse og valuta Repræsentanten har forhold eller forbindelser...
Not Specified • March 27th, 2020

Nordic Trustee ASA reg. nr. 963 342 624 Haakon VIIs gate 1PB 1470 Vika, N-0116 OsloNorge Tryg Forsikring A/S CVR-nr. 24260666 NO0010765704,00 SEK Nej 26-05-2046 ING Bank NV, London Branch 60 London WallLondon EC2M 5TQ Storbritanien WFS Global Holding SAS 491807145 XS1252777484 XS1252776759 225.000.000 EUR Nej 15-07-2022 Nordic Trustee ASA reg. nr. 963 342 624 Haakon VIIs gate 1PB 1470 Vika, N-0116 OsloNorge Nordic Trustee A/S Weidekampsgade 142300 København S Danmark DBB Jack-Up Services A/S CVR-nr. 24620417 NO0010751332 100.000.000 EUR Nej 29-11-2019 Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ) reg. nr. 556882-1879Box 7329103 90 Stockholm Sverige West Atlantic AB (publ) 5565016083 SE0007783840 1.350.000.000 SEK Nej 21-12-2019 Nordic Trustee & Agency AB (publ) reg. nr. 556882-1879Box 7329103 90 Stockholm Sverige Global Scanning A/S CVR-nr. 34613141 SE0007783949 200.000.000 SEK Nej 09-12-2019

Processprog: engelsk
Not Specified • June 22nd, 2019

Det omtvistede varemærke: International registrering, hvor Den Europæiske Union er designeret, af figurmærket »ring« — registrerings- ansøgning nr. 1 401 009

Tlf: 89 30 78 00
Not Specified • October 4th, 2024

Det skal indledningsvist bemærkes, at nærværende notat alene forholder til betingelserne ved fastlæggelse af garantiprovisionens størrelse indenfor rammerne af vandsektorloven og EU- Kommissionens meddelelse (2008/C 155/02). Der er således, eksempelvis, ikke taget stilling til i hvilket omfang Frederikssund Kommune i henhold til den kommunale lånebekendtgørelse, kommunalfuldmagten eller anden lovgivning m.v. har mulighed for at stille kommunegaranti for det konkrete lån.

Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter
Not Specified • September 14th, 2016

Dette dokument er underskrevet med esignatur. Dokumentet er forseglet og tidsstemplet af uvildig og betroet tredjepart. Indlejret i dokumentet er det originale aftaledokument og et signeret dataobjekt for hver underskriver. Det signerede dataobjekt indeholder en matematisk hashværdi beregnet på det originale aftaledokument, så det altid kan påvises, at det er lige netop dette dokument der er underskrevet. Der er dermed altid mulighed for at validere originaliteten og gyldigheden af underskrifterne og disse kan altid løftes som bevisførelse.

Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • June 23rd, 2023

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 46ec8e8aUxw240260740
Not Specified • August 21st, 2020

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

Not Specified • January 4th, 2021
Not Specified • January 6th, 2023

Aftale Leverandør Projektnr. Kontraktstart Aktuel kontraktudløb* Kontraktansvarlig Mail Autoreservedele FTZ Autodele og Værktøj A/S 92179 01-01-2019 31-12-2022 Mette Reus Hansen mrhafiifirs.dkGrov arbejdsbeklædning Orloff Firmatøj A/S 92197 01-02-2019 31-01-2023 Meri Helenius mhefiifirs.dkEnergimærkning GH-Energi 3 Rådgivning ApS 92234 01-02-2020 31-01-2023 Thomas Tromborg ttrfiifirs.dkPlanteservice Jydsk Planteservice A/S 92274 01-03-2021 28-02-2023 Meri Helenius mhefiifirs.dkLæskedrikke Royal Unibrew 92275 01-04-2021 31-03-2023 Mette Reus Hansen mrhafiifirs.dkTræpiller SJS Pellets A/S 92276 01-04-2021 31-03-2023 Meri Helenius IT - Stationære, bærbare, tilbehør mv. Dustin A/S 92200 01-05-2019 30-04-2023 Thomas Tromborg Håndværkerydelser Flere leverandører, en pr. delaftale 92147 15-05-2018 14-05-2023 Thomas Tromborg ttrfiifirs.dkCatering Dansk Cater A/S 92253 01-06-2020 31-05-2023 Thomas Tromborg ttrfiifirs.dkKaffe, te og kakao BKI Foods A/S 92257 01-06-202

Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • May 11th, 2023

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 7874de1cpNJN30753633 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 7874de1cpNJN30753633 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 7874de1cpNJN30753633 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 7874de1cpNJN30753633...
Not Specified • November 26th, 2019

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • January 25th, 2019

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

Not Specified • June 29th, 2022

 Nye 400 kV forbindelser etableres med luftlednin- ger med mulighed for kompenserende kabellæg- ning på udvalgte strækninger og med mulighed for kabellægning af 132 og 150 kV luftledninger.

Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • January 30th, 2023

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

Not Specified • May 6th, 2024
Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • June 29th, 2022

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • March 15th, 2019

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • June 6th, 2023

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 3e6c9205Rukn11717249 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 3e6c9205Rukn11717249 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 3e6c9205Rukn11717249 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 3e6c9205Rukn11717249...
Not Specified • June 13th, 2018

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • May 31st, 2019

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 721f4dwPngr251762487 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 721f4dwPngr251762487 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 721f4dwPngr251762487 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 721f4dwPngr251762487...
Not Specified • June 19th, 2024

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • March 16th, 2023

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • June 27th, 2024

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: d074abe8RzX240064898 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: d074abe8RzX240064898 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: d074abe8RzX240064898 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: d074abe8RzX240064898...
Not Specified • July 1st, 2020

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 3d6fcb57xWZ242797387 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 3d6fcb57xWZ242797387 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 3d6fcb57xWZ242797387 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 3d6fcb57xWZ242797387...
Not Specified • July 22nd, 2021

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

EASY-P version 16
Not Specified • December 14th, 2015
Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • July 10th, 2024

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • October 3rd, 2022

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • November 16th, 2020

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • July 1st, 2024

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 20217cJwwxH248138659 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 20217cJwwxH248138659 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 20217cJwwxH248138659 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: 20217cJwwxH248138659...
Not Specified • December 1st, 2022

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

Not Specified • March 2nd, 2020
Dette dokument er underskrevet af nedenstående parter, der med deres underskrift har bekræftet dokumentets indhold samt alle datoer i dokumentet.
Not Specified • January 23rd, 2019

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.

This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: f26d8ctnuZg249885484 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: f26d8ctnuZg249885484 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: f26d8ctnuZg249885484 This document has esignatur Agreement-ID: f26d8ctnuZg249885484...
Not Specified • April 29th, 2023

This document is signed with esignatur. Embedded in the document is the original agreement document and a signed data object for each signatory. The signed data object contains a mathematical hash value calculated from the original agreement document, which secures that the signatures is related to precisely this document only. Prove for the originality and validity of signatures can always be lifted as legal evidence.