(22) The term definition
(22) The term jail or lockup for adults’ means
(22) The term telemedicine’ means a tele-
(22) The term jail or lockup for adults’ means a secure facility that is used by a State, unit of local government, or law en- forcement authority to detain or confine adult inmates;’’;
More Definitions of (22) The term
(22) The term cyber incident’ means an inci-
(22) The term gasify’ means to convert car-
(22) The term statistical laws’ means sub-
(22) The term public data asset’ means a data asset, or part thereof, maintained by the Federal Government that has been, or may be, released to the public, including any data asset, or part thereof, subject to disclosure under section 552 of title 5; and
(22) The term open Government data’ means
(22) The term . 135 bush passenger carrier’ means a bush passenger carrier providing passenger service through sched- uled service on bush routes under part 135; and
(22) The term . Public Lands Corps’ means the