Passenger Service. SAMPLE To provide passenger check-in, ticketing and related passenger services; to prepare clearance documents for passengers, cargo and baggage as may be required by all governmental agencies; to furnish linguists for the assistance of passengers speaking a foreign language; and to arrange with companies authorized by the Authority for the provision of in-flight meals for departing aircraft but not to prepare or sell in-flight meals. Company will not accept, load, unload or deliver plastic wrapped bags unless otherwise authorized in advance and in writing by the Authority.
Passenger Service. 9.1 Employees in passenger service will not be compelled to perform extra service outside of their regular assignment, where unassigned employees are available, except to make up monthly guarantee, nor where unassigned employees are not available if such extra service would prevent them performing their regular assignment or prevent them from obtaining proper rest, provided unassigned trainmen could be moved to the point required.
Passenger Service. Passenger Service, as established in the Collective Agreement dated August 13, 2001, is archived.
Passenger Service. 3.1 Except as provided in article 9, 100 miles or less, 5 hours or less, shall constitute a basic day in passenger service; miles in excess of 100 will be paid at the mileage rate provided. Work Train Service
Passenger Service. Per Mile, Effective Jan. 1/05 Jan. 1/06 Jan. 1/07 3% 3% 3% Cents Cents Cents
Passenger Service. 5.1 Locomotive engineers obtaining locomotives on shop track, except as provided in Article 8, will report for duty 15 minutes prior to time locomotives are required to leave shop track. Such time shall be allowed for performing duties required of them prior to leaving the shop track at beginning of a day’s work, and shall be paid for at applicable rate.
Passenger Service. 99.2 Freight Service
Passenger Service. 6.1 Except as provided in article 9, overtime in passenger service shall be paid on the minute basis at a rate per hour of not less than 1/5th of the daily rate, determined on a speed basis of 20 miles per hour computed for a continuous tour of duty from the time required to report for duty until released from duty. When a basic day is paid for service performed, overtime will not accrue until the expiration of 5 hours. The Company may, however, at its option, pay a basic day in each direction. Work Train Service
Passenger Service. Articles pertaining to passenger service are not reproduced. If passenger service should be re-established, the passenger service rules contained in the schedule agreement affecting conductors and trainmen effective May 1, 1953, as amended by subsequent national agreements, will apply. Article 10 Articl e 10 Article 10 Rates of Pay/Pay Day/ Omitted Time Section 1 Through and irregular freight, work, construction, snow plow, or wreck train service shall be paid as set forth in applicable national agreements.
Passenger Service. Section 12.01 ORDC reserves the right to permit qualified rail passenger operators other than C&OR to operate Passenger Service on the Panhandle Rail Line subject to the terms and conditions set forth