Abandoned cemetery definition

Abandoned cemetery means a cemetery where the cemetery association has disbanded or the cemetery is neglected and contains marked graves older than 50 years.
Abandoned cemetery means a burial ground of the human dead:
Abandoned cemetery means an area of land containing

More Definitions of Abandoned cemetery

Abandoned cemetery means a cemetery, regardless of whether it appears on a map or in deed records, that is not owned or operated by a cemetery organization, does not have another person legally responsible for its care, and is not maintained by any person.
Abandoned cemetery means an abandoned cemetery as defined in ORS 226.520(1).
Abandoned cemetery means a cemetery in which remains have not been interred in the last five years and:
Abandoned cemetery means any cemetery in which no remains of deceased persons have been interred for a period of five years.
Abandoned cemetery means means a cemetery where there is no owner of record in the respective
Abandoned cemetery means a burial ground of the human dead in [for] which the county assessor can find no record of an owner; or where the last known owner is deceased and lawful conveyance of the title has not been made; or in which a cemetery company, cemetery associa- tion, corporation, or other organization formed for the pur- poses of burying the human dead has either disbanded, been administratively dissolved by the secretary of state, or other- wise ceased to exist, and for which title has not been con- veyed.
Abandoned cemetery means a cemetery where there is no owner of record in the respective county’s recorder of deeds records.