Abandoned well definition

Abandoned well means a well whose use has been permanently discontinued or which is in a state of disrepair such that it cannot be used for its intended purpose or for observation purposes.
Abandoned well means a water well which is no longer in use or which is in such a state of disrepair that continued use for the purpose of accessing groundwater is unsafe or impracticable.
Abandoned well means any well whose original purpose and use has been permanently discontinued or which is in such a state of disrepair that it cannot be used for its original purpose. A well is considered abandoned when it has not been used for a period of one year, unless the owner demonstrates his intent to use the well again for supplying water or other associated purposes and the well is maintained as an inactive well.

Examples of Abandoned well in a sentence

  • Abandoned well – As defined in Section 3203 of the 2012 Oil and Gas Act (58 Pa.C.S. § 3203).

  • Abandoned well means a well whose use has been permanently discontinued or which is in a state of disrepair such that it cannot be used for its intended purpose or for observation purposes.

  • Do not state ‘below age related expectation’ as this does not specify how far below the child is performing in comparison to their peers.

  • He also mentioned that Mary Ketchersid (TAES) has prepared a study guide to accompany the Abandoned well video.

  • DIVISION AWATER WELL CONSTRUCTION: GENERAL STANDARDS AND REGISTRATION OF CONTRACTORS CHAPTER 38PRIVATE WATER WELL CONSTRUCTION PERMITS Commented [2]: Abandoned well - Defined in 455B.171.Commented [1]: Definitions that are being kept are in new 49.2.—49.238.1(455B) Definitions.“Abandoned well”means a water well which is no longer in use or which is in such a state of disrepair that567 continued use for the purpose of accessing groundwater is unsafe or impracticable.

More Definitions of Abandoned well

Abandoned well means a well that has not been used or maintained ready for use for six consecutive months and is not capped, a well that is deteriorated, or a well that does not contain the casing, pump and pump column in good condition. A well is considered to be in use if it is a non-deteriorated well which contains the casing, pump, and pump column in good condition, or is a non-deteriorated well that is capped. "Abandoned well" also means a well that is not registered or permitted with the District or not in compliance with applicable law, including the rules and regulations of the District, the Texas Water Well Driller’s Act, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality ("TCEQ" or “Commission”), or any other state or federal agency or political subdivision having jurisdiction. [Amended June 12, 2012]
Abandoned well means a well the Supervisor so designates after it has been demonstrated that all steps have been taken to protect underground or surface water suitable for irrigation or other domestic uses from the infiltration or addition of any detrimental substance, and to prevent the escape of all fluids to the surface.
Abandoned well means a well that is unmaintained or is in such disrepair that it is unusable or is a risk to public health and welfare.
Abandoned well means a well that is not in use. A well is considered to be in use if:
Abandoned well means a well whose use has been permanently discontinued.
Abandoned well means a well for which a well abandonment completion report has been filed pursuant to R12-15-816(E) or for which a notification of abandonment has been filed pursuant to R12-15-816(K).
Abandoned well means a well whose use has been discontinued, or which is in such a state of disrepair that continued use for obtaining groundwater or other useful purpose is impracticable.