Domestic uses definition
Examples of Domestic uses in a sentence
Please list all intended Commercial uses, Industrial uses, Mining uses, Secondary Recovery of oil uses and units, Agricultural uses, Domestic uses by Applicant or other recipients of the water produced under this easement.
Domestic uses shall be generally preferred.2. Uses not inherently a source of pollution within an area shall be preferred over uses that are or may be a pollution source.3. Areas in which the existing or potential economic value of public, recreational or similar uses exceeds the existing or poten- tial economic value of any other use shall be classified primarily on the basis of the higher economic use value.
Domestic uses and certain stockwater uses were excluded in Article V.E.1. Id. at A-11.
The expected amount of water to be used during the construction phase of this project is:- Domestic uses by the workers and engineers: 5 m3/dayFuelDiesel fuel will be mainly used for:- Diesel generators to supply electricity to the various construction activities including welding.- Trucks.The expected amount of diesel fuel to be used in the construction/upgrading phase of the PRS is estimated at 10 liters per day.
During operation, water consumption is estimated as follows: Domestic uses: 3.8m3/day, provided by a local water company; Panel cleaning: 0.6 l/panel for a total of 545 m3/year and water will be provided by water tanks.
Domestic uses for the index could be as an indication of the aggregate degree of resource re-allocation towards protected industries and/or of taxation of consumption of importables, or of foregone welfare gains from trade.
Domestic uses of water from the Savannah River occur approximately 161 km (100 mi) downstream at treatment plants near Hardeeville, South Carolina, and Savannah, Georgia.
Domestic uses grew by 3.4 percent, while exports (excluding diamonds and startups) increased by 4.2 percent, similar to the growth rate of world trade.
Over time, domestic uses have included domestic needs such as drinking, cooking, washing, and othernecessary household uses.3 Domestic uses relate to the well-accepted principles of domestic necessity, and therefore riparian landowners are permitted to continue domestic water usage with preference over any other co-riparian non-domestic claim to the water.
Domestic uses include the use of water in restaurants, offices and residences.