Aboriginal cultural material definition
Examples of Aboriginal cultural material in a sentence
Records containing information about Aboriginal cultural material or an Aboriginal site, or any other matters relating to the heritage of Aboriginal Australians, will not be subject to disposition decisions without consultation with the Aboriginal bodies concerned with that information.
All applicants to the Arts and Culture Grants Program must adhere to the Australia Council’s Indigenous Cultural Protocols Guides when working with Aboriginal artists and communities or Aboriginal cultural material.
During a field inspection, no Aboriginal cultural material was identified, but poor surface visibility was encountered.
The proponent must arrange for the secure storage of Aboriginal cultural material in a specified location until it can be transferred to the relevant RAPs or buried in country.
However, as standard practise, if Aboriginal cultural material is located during any work activities in that area, works should cease until advice is sought from the Aboriginal party.
Recommendation 3Hanson Construction Materials Pty Ltd are to take adequate measures to inform all personnel and contractors of their responsibilities and obligations to protect Aboriginal heritage sites under the W.A. Aboriginal Heritage Act 1972.Any Aboriginal cultural material which may be uncovered or encountered in the course of their work is to be reported and work is to halt until it is determined if an archaeological site exists.
Verification is required prior to registration of the Credits for use in an NPDES permit to comply with NPDES permit effluent limitations.
The current ACHMP for the Mt Owen Complex (GSS 2008) includes several controls for the management of Aboriginal cultural material within the Mount Owen Complex.
The function of the registrar is to administer the operations of the Aboriginal Cultural Material Committee and to maintain a register of protected areas, Aboriginal cultural material and places and objects to which the AH Act applies.
Students may meet with the Counsellor directly or by appointment through Student ServicesAboriginal Education Cultural LeaderThe Aboriginal Education Cultural Leader works with teachers and students to facilitate the integration of Aboriginal cultural material and content.