Examples of Absorption trench in a sentence
Absorption trench - a trench excavated into the ground for the purpose of storing an initial volume of rainfall before that water seeps into the soil in which the trench is excavated.
FIGURE 4.5 TABLE 4.1REQUIRED LINEAL FEET OF ABSORPTION TRENCH THAT HAS TWELVE INCHES OF DRAINROCK RECEIVING EFFLUENT BY TRICKLE FLOWa a Absorption trench sizing for low pressure distribution is the same as for gravity flow.Loading rates are based on the long term acceptance rates for loam, clay loam, and well structured clays.b Design flows provide a safety factor to cover those individual homes which produce high flow rates.
Absorption trench systems placed in earth fill can only be installed over natural soils with a percolation rate range between five and 60 minutes per inch; and absorption bed systems over soils with a percolation rate range of five to 30 minutes per inch.
The installation of the following disposal systems is permitted with the approval of Council:• Absorption trench or Evapo-Transpiration Absorption (ETA) Beds as per AS/NZS 1547;• Sub surface irrigation; and• Mound Systems.
The installation of the following disposal systems is permitted with the approval of Council: Absorption trench or Evapo-Transpiration Absorption (ETA) Beds as per AS/NZS 1547; Sub surface irrigation; and Mound Systems.