Disposal field definition

Disposal field means an area located on a parcel, above, at, or below ground surface, with appropriate surface cover, which has suitable soil conditions to effectively receive,
Disposal field means an individual subsurface wastewater disposal system component consisting of a closed excavation made within soil or fill material to contain disposal field stone in which distribution pipes or approved proprietary devices have been placed for the disposal of septic tank effluent.
Disposal field means a system of disposal trenches or a seepage trench or system of seepage trenches.

Examples of Disposal field in a sentence

  • Disposal field application rate: The clogging mat acts as a hydraulically restrictive soil horizon.

  • Disposal field – in relation to domestic wastewater, means the design land application area plus the reserve area set aside for future land application in case of partial or total failure of the design area.

  • In the period of 1 April to 4 October 2013, i.e. the first half year, the Managing Director – CEO was the only Executive Director within the Board of Directors.

  • The principal services provided by the Company fit within three categories: treatment and disposal of industrial wastes ("Treatment and Disposal"); field services provided at customer sites ("Field Services"); and specialized repackaging, treatment and disposal services for laboratory chemicals and household hazardous wastes ("LabPacks").

  • Disposal field to disposal field for separate realty improvement from 50 feet to 45 feet.

More Definitions of Disposal field

Disposal field means a disposal bed or a group of one or more disposal trenches. The perimeter of the disposal field corresponds to the perimeter of the disposal bed, or a line circumscribing the outermost edges of the outermost disposal trenches and including the area between the disposal trenches.
Disposal field means an area located on a parcel, above or below ground surface, and having suitable soil conditions to effectively receive, disperse, and or dispose of treated or untreated septic tank effluent in a manner compliant with this Chapter and the On-site Wastewater Management Guidance Manual.
Disposal field means the part of a subsurface sewage disposal system that utilizes the soil for absorption and treatment of septic tank effluent.
Disposal field means a leachfield or other type of system approved by the Department used for final subsurface wastewater treatment and /or disposal.
Disposal field means a disposal field as defined in the Schedule to the Water Act Sewage Disposal Systems Regulations;
Disposal field means a disposal bed, a group of one or more disposal trenches, a drip dispersal area designed in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:9A-10.8, or a seepage pit designed in accordance with N.J.A.C. 7:9A-11 or a seepage pit previously approved for sanitary sewage disposal. The perimeter of the disposal field corresponds to the perimeter of the disposal bed, or the outermost extent of fill material in a fill enclosed system, and the extent of the lateral fill extension in a mounded system, a line circumscribing the outermost edges of the outermost disposal trenches and including the area between the disposal trenches or the outermost layer of filter material surrounding a seepage pit.
Disposal field means that part of an on-site sewage disposal system designed and installed in accordance with these regulations for the subsurface distribution of septic tank effluent into the soil;