Acceptance Commission definition
Examples of Acceptance Commission in a sentence
DESCRIPTIONSRATES OF CHARGES 2.3 Document Arrival relating fee under L/C 2.3.1 Acceptance Commission 2.3.2 Discrepancy (ies) Fee 2.3.3 L/C Overdrawn Commission 2.3.4 L/C Expired Commission 1/2% per month of bill amount to be collected up front (Min.
If the materials delivered by the contractor to the contracting entity are supplied via government or commercial surplus sale, the documents, related to the materials, showing that the materials are traceable to a government or commercial surplus sale or to the manufacturer shall be submitted to the Inspection and Acceptance Commission in inspection process.
Routine test reports shall be submitted to the Inspection and Acceptance Commission before starting the acceptance tests.
The State Acceptance Commission will issue a decision on the handover of the subproject to the relevant agency for operation and maintenance.
If the calculation method will be used, the Contractor shall submit the weights and the calculations performed for the used materials to the Acceptance Commission.