Examples of Acceptance of application in a sentence
Acceptance of application at the counters of ICAC should be at least 39 hours per week and Back Office working time should be at least 48 hours per week.
Acceptance of application and allocation of space will be at the sole discretion of the EEPC India.Selection CriteriaFinal selection of the participants will be done by a Committee based on the criteria such as Accreditation to the International Standards (like ISO, QS, etc.), foreign collaboration, annual exports etc.Shipment of ExhibitsIn order to facilitate shipment of exhibits, EEPC India will appoint a Shipping Agent.
Acceptance of application, successful completion of training, passing training certification, and acceptance of a vendor's Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) (see Section 3.3.4, Submit Quality Assurance Plan and Section 10.3, Quality Assurance Plans for more information) are required steps in attaining status as a Fully Approved vendor.
Acceptance of application is deemed to occur only upon booth number assignment with confirmation to Exhibitor.
For a discussion, see Braham and van Hees (2009).9We provide an extensive discussion of this criterion in Braham and van Hees (2012).10The restriction is mainly for reasons of simplification as our framework can be extended by introducing the distinction between reasonable and unreasonable alternatives.
Acceptance of application does not imply endorsement by Houston BOMA of the applicant’s products, nor does rejection imply lack of merit of product or manufacturer.
Acceptance of application is influenced by a number of factors, including: 1.
Acceptance of application does not mean endorsement by meeting management of the applicant's service or product.
Acceptance of application will be made in a manner so as to comply with the SC’s shareholding spread requirements that at least 25% of the issued and paid-up capital is in the hands of public shareholders and a minimum number of 750 public shareholders of which 500 shareholders are not employees of the Company holding not less than 1,000 shares each.
Gallehr and Leon Weiss, copartners, trading under the name of Timed En ergy, or any other name or names, theiragents, representatives and employees,(3) In the case of a small-businessinstitution may be located.directly or through any corporate orconcern, the demonstration of the un(c) Acceptance of application.