Acceptance of changes. Any continued use of our Services after the date of the change will be deemed to be acceptance by you of the relevant change unless you give us notice of cancellation in accordance with clause 5.4.
Acceptance of changes. If you do not agree with the changes, you must stop using the service. If you continue to use the service following notification of a change, the changed terms will apply to you and you will be deemed to have accepted them.
Acceptance of changes. You are deemed to have accepted the notified changes unless you inform Vestjysk Bank that you do not wish to be bound by the new rules. In such a case, you will be deemed to have terminated the debtor agreement as of the date when the changes enter into force.
17.3 Disclosure of rules
Acceptance of changes. Customer's continued use of the Xxxxxx Mind Classroom Solution after changes take effect will constitute Customer’s acceptance of the new terms, except as provided in the termination rights provision above.
Acceptance of changes. The Customer acknowledges its agreement to any of the above changes by i) continuing to use or ordering Services after the effective date of the change, ii) allowing Services to renew after receipt of the change notice; or iii) by signing (in writing or electronically, where permitted) an applicable revised Agreement or other change authorisation mechanism Umbrellar may provide (such as on-line acceptance). If the Customer does not accept a change, prior to the change effective date, the Customer is responsible for i) discontinuing use of affected Services prior to the effective date of the change or ii) providing Umbrellar with written notice of its intent not to renew at least thirty days prior to a renewal date. If Customer does not discontinue use of affected Services prior to the effective date of the change or fails to provide such notice of the Customers intent not to renew, and there is a change in the recurring or usage charges, the new charges will apply from the effective date and the Customer agrees to pay such new charges.
Acceptance of changes. You acknowledge agreement to any of the above changes to the Agreement or the Services by, after the effective date of a respective change, i) continuing to use or renewing Your subscription to the Services, ii) allowing automatic renewal of the Services; or iii) otherwise by signing (in writing or electronically, where permitted) an applicable revised attachment or other change authorization mechanism that the Provider may provide (such as on-line acceptance). If You do not accept a change, You are responsible for discontinuing use of affected Services prior to the effective date of the change or providing written notice of Your intent not to renew at least thirty days prior to a renewal date.
Acceptance of changes. If the record of the Test Operation conducted indicates that the Ordered Performance meets the criteria set out in Art. of this Agreement, the Parties undertake to draw up, within three (3) Business Days of the signing of the record of the Test Operation, an acceptance protocol of the hand-over and acceptance of the Ordered Performance, which will include a list of the remaining Defects with a time-period for their remedy, and if no such period is agreed, it shall be understood to be seven (7) Business Days from the date of the signing of the acceptance protocol. If the Supplier fails to remedy the Defects listed in the acceptance protocol within the time-period stated in the previous sentence, the Supplier undertakes to pay to the Client a contractual penalty of 0.05% of the Price of the Ordered Performance stated in the Order for each day of default commenced. The payment of a contractual penalty shall not prejudice the Client’s right to damages.
Acceptance of changes. You acknowledge that WebTV shall have the right to and may change the WebTV Network or the Terms at any time. Such changes to the Terms will become effective upon WebTV posting the revised Terms on the "WebTV Terms of Service" page (which can be found by choosing the WebTV logo on the WebTV Home page) and notifying to you of such change. If any changes made either to the WebTV Network or to the Terms (including new fees, should there be a change in the fees for the WebTV Network) are unacceptable to you, you agree that your sole remedy shall be to terminate your WebTV Network account in accordance with the procedures described below for termination. Continued use of the WebTV Network after notice of any revision of the Terms, however, shall be deemed as your acceptance of, and agreement to comply with, such revised Terms.
Acceptance of changes. The customer acknowledges that BLITZ SPORTS, INC. may, at its sole discretion, change or amend these Terms of Service at any time. The customer agrees to review the Terms of Service periodically for any such changes and understands that continued use of the XxxX constitutes acceptance of any amended terms.
Acceptance of changes. Institution's continued use of the Xxxxxx Classroom Solution after changes take effect implies acceptance of the new terms, except as provided in the termination rights above.