Examples of Acceptance Requirements in a sentence
Confirmation of such approval shall be the acceptance of this vehicle in accordance with the Acceptance Requirements Section.
As a minimum perform process control testing according to the Sampling, Testing and Acceptance Requirements tables at the end of each Section where applicable.
Perform quality control sampling and testing according to the approved Contractor Quality Control Plan in Section 153, aggregate source quality tests, and applicable Sampling, Testing, and Acceptance Requirements table included at the end of each Section.
In the absence of more detailed information, trip distribution shall be in accordance with logical regional travel patterns as suggested by existing highway directional split and intersection movements or population and destination site distribution and shall recognize the effects of increased street connectivity if such streets meet the requirements of the Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements (24VAC30-92).
Options are “64” for PG 64S-22 and “E” for PG 64E-22.902.02.04 Sampling and TestingA General Acceptance Requirements.
When tests are on material being incorporated in the work, report test results within 24 hours unless specified otherwise in the Sampling, Testing, and Acceptance Requirements tables.
As a minimum perform process control testing according to the Sampling, Testing, and Acceptance Requirements tables included at the end of each Section where applicable.
Materials for the construction of the sedimentation basins shall be selected from the lists in the Department’s "Materials, Sources and Devices with Special Acceptance Requirements" if lists are available for the materials.
Any road constructed to serve two (2) or more lots used for non-agricultural commercial or industrial uses shall be constructed to meet current VDOT standards (including, but not limited to, the Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements, VDOT Road and Bridge Standards, and VDOT RoadDesign Manual), including the dedication of the rights-of-way to public use.
Any road serving more than two (2) lots shallbe constructed to meet the current VDOT standards (including, but not limited to, the Secondary Street Acceptance Requirements, VDOT Road and Bridge Standards, and VDOT Road Design Manual), including the dedication of the rights-of-way for public use.