Accredited private institution definition

Accredited private institution means an institution of higher education as defined in Iowa Code section 261.9, subsection 5.
Accredited private institution means an institution of higher learning located in Iowa which is operated privately and not controlled or administered by any state agency or any subdivision of the state and which meets the criteria in paragraphs “a” and “b” and all of the criteria in paragraphs “d” through “i”, except that institutions defined in paragraph “c” of this subsection are exempt from the requirements of paragraphs “a” and “b”:
Accredited private institution means an institution of

More Definitions of Accredited private institution

Accredited private institution means an institution of higher learning located in
Accredited private institution means a not-for-profit private institution that meets the criteria in Iowa Code section 256.183 and rule 283—12.5(256).
Accredited private institution means an institution of higher learning located in North Dakota which is operated privately and not controlled or administered by any state agency or subdivision of the state, and which is accredited by the north central association of colleges and secondary schools or the accrediting association of Bible colleges.
Accredited private institution means an institution of higher learning located in Iowa which is operated privately and not controlled or administered by any state agency or any sub- division of the state, except for county hospitals as provided in paragraph “c” of this subsec- tion, and which meets at least one of the criteria in paragraphs “a” through “c” and all of the criteria in paragraphs “d” through “f” “g”:
Accredited private institution means an institution of higher learning located in Iowa which is operated privately
Accredited private institution means an institution of higher learning located in Iowa which is operated privately and not controlled or administered by any state agency or any
Accredited private institution means an institution of higher learning located in Iowa which is operated privately and not controlled or administered by any state agency or any subdivision of the state and which meets the criteria in