Acquired brain injury definition
Acquired brain injury or “ABI” means the combination of focal and diffuse central nervous system dysfunctions, immediate or delayed, at the brainstem level or above. These dysfunctions may be acquired through physical trauma, oxygen deprivation, infection, or a discrete incident that is toxic, surgical, or vascular in nature. The term “ABI” does not include disorders that are congenital, developmental, degenerative, associated with aging, or that meet the definition of intellectual disability as defined in section 1-1g of the Connecticut General Statutes;
Acquired brain injury means a neurological insult to the brain, which is not hereditary, congenital, or degenerative. The injury to the brain has occurred after birth and results in a change in neuronal activity, which results in an impairment of physical functioning, sensory processing, cognition, or psychosocial behavior.
Acquired brain injury. (ABI) means a brain injury that is the result of trauma arising from an insult to the brain from an outside physical force via open or closed head injury; shaken baby syndrome; anoxia; near- drowning; electrical shock; brain infection; brain tumors; cerebrovascular lesions or insults, including stroke and aneurysm; or unintended toxic or chemical exposure. The definition excludes conditions that are congenital, degenerative, induced by birth trauma, or resulting from abuse of alcohol or other substances. The injury may be focal or diffuse, causing temporary or permanent impairments in cognitive, psychosocial or physical functioning affecting one or more areas of the brain and result in partial or total functional disability. Brain injury related impairments may affect one or more areas of functioning such as: cognition; language; memory; attention; reasoning; abstract thinking; judgment; problem-solving; information processing; sensory, perceptual, and motor abilities; physical functioning; sleep; psychosocial and behavioral functioning; and, or speech.
Examples of Acquired brain injury in a sentence
Structural measure: “Any physical construction to reduce or avoid possible impacts of hazards, or application of engineering techniques to achieve hazard-resistance and resilience in structures or systems”.
Acquired brain injury is a neurological insult to the brain, which is not hereditary, congenital or degenerative.
Acquired brain injury is a neurological insult to the brain which is not hereditary, congenital or degenerative.
Acquired brain injury means a neurological insult to the brain, which is not hereditary, congenital, or degenerative.
In this project integrity feature is achieved through digital signature through the use of hash functions.
More Definitions of Acquired brain injury
Acquired brain injury means an injury to the brain that
Acquired brain injury means a brain injury that is the result of a metabolic disorder, cerebral vascular insults, surgical procedures, tumors, anoxia (lack of oxygen) or other internal causes and does not fit the criteria for traumatic brain injury.
Acquired brain injury or “ABI” means the combination of focal and diffuse central nervous system dysfunctions, immediate or delayed, at the brainstem level or above.
Acquired brain injury means an alteration in brain function or other evidence of brain pathology; and
Acquired brain injury means a deficit in brain functioning which is non-degenerative or progressive and is medically verifiable in a total or partial loss of one or more of the following: cognitive, communication, motor, psycho-social or sensory perceptual abilities.
Acquired brain injury means the cognitive, intellectual,
Acquired brain injury means any combination of focal and diffuse central nervous system dysfunction, at the brain stem level and above, acquired after birth through the interaction of any external forces and the body, oxygen deprivation, infection, toxicity, surgery, or vascular disorders not associated with aging. The following definitions apply to the WLRC rules, unless otherwise specified: