Examples of Acquiring Firms in a sentence
Henock Louis, Earnings Management and the Market Performance of Acquiring Firms, 74 J.
Merle Erickson & Shiing-wu Wang, Earnings Management by Acquiring Firms in Stock for Stock Mergers, 27 J.
B (1989), “The Returns to Acquiring Firms in Tender Offers: Evidence from Three Decades”, Financial Management, 18(3): 12-19.
The Post-Merger Performance of Acquiring Firms: A Re-examination of an Anomaly.
Han: Synergistic Gains from Corporate Acquisitions and Their Division between the Stockholders of Target and Acquiring Firms, Jouvna1 of Fsnangsa1 Egonomsgs v2fi, nfi (May fi988): 3- 40.
Kim, Synergistic Gains from Corporate Acquisitions and their Division between the Stockholders of Target and Acquiring Firms, The Journal of Financial Economics, 1988, 21, 3-40.
In terms of public interest, the Acquiring Firms commit to investments over a five-year period to upgrade, refurbish and operate the Target Property.
The Acquiring Firms will be controlled by Janic Capital (Pty) Ltd (“Janic”).
Meanwhile, we deal with observations according to the following rules: • We exclude acquiring firms in insurance and financial industries because of different accounting rules and operating characteristics.• We eliminate acquiring firms with leverage rate above 1, otherwise, ST firms and PT firms are excluded because of special treatment.• Acquiring Firms lacking required accounting data for research are excluded.
To support Historically Disadvantaged Persons (HDPs), the Acquiring Firms, will for a period of five years post-merger commit to capital expenditure on HDP-owned suppliers based in Mthatha, Eastern Cape Province, when a growing, deconcentrated and inclusive economy.