Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) indicator means a four-character suffix to the unique entity identifier. The suffix is assigned at the discretion of the commercial, nonprofit, or Government entity to establish additional System for Award Management records for identifying alternative EFT accounts (see subpart 32.11) for the same entity.
Protective barrier means a barrier of radiation absorbing material(s) used to reduce radiation exposure. The types of protective barriers are as follows:
Utilization review plan or "plan" means a written procedure for performing review.
Utilization review means the prospective (prior to), concurrent (during) or retrospective (after) review of any service to determine whether such service was properly authorized, constitutes a medically necessary service for purposes of benefit payment, and is a covered healthcare service under this plan. WE, US, and OUR means Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Rhode Island. WE, US, or OUR will have the same meaning whether italicized or not. YOU and YOUR means the subscriber or member enrolled for coverage under this agreement. YOU and YOUR will have the same meaning whether italicized or not.
Secondary protective barrier means a barrier sufficient to attenuate the stray radiation to the required degree.
Switched Access Service means an offering of facilities for the purpose of the origination or termination of traffic from or to Exchange Service customer in a given area pursuant to a Switched Access tariff. Switched Access Services include: Feature Group A, Feature Group B, Feature Group D, 800 Series, and 900 access. Switched Access does not include traffic exchanged between LECs for purpose of local exchange interconnection.
active customer means a final customer, or a group of jointly acting final customers, who consumes or stores electricity generated within its premises located within confined boundaries or, where permitted by a Member State, within other premises, or who sells self-generated electricity or participates in flexibility or energy efficiency schemes, provided that those activities do not constitute its primary commercial or professional activity;
Collective bargaining means the performance of the mutual
Switched Access Detail Usage Data means a category 1101xx record as defined in the EMI iconectiv Practice BR 010-200-010.
Active duty means full-time duty status in the active, uniformed services of the United States, including without limitation members of The National Guard and Reserve on active duty orders under 10 U.S.C. §§ 1209 and 1210.
Primary protective barrier means the material, excluding filters, placed in the useful beam.
Generator Forced Outage means an immediate reduction in output or capacity or removal from service, in whole or in part, of a generating unit by reason of an Emergency or threatened Emergency, unanticipated failure, or other cause beyond the control of the owner or operator of the facility, as specified in the relevant portions of the PJM Manuals. A reduction in output or removal from service of a generating unit in response to changes in market conditions shall not constitute a Generator Forced Outage.
Direction-indicator lamp means the lamp used to indicate to other road-users that the driver intends to change direction to the right or to the left;
Appropriate List Matching Data means (A) account registration and alternate payee data, to the extent made appropriate by statutes, rules or regulations governing the U.S. Government Lists, (ii) data determined by BNYM in light of statutes, rules or regulations governing the U.S. Government Lists to be necessary to provide the services described in this Section 3(b)(5), and (iii) data the parties agree in writing to be necessary to provide the services described in this Section 3(b)(5).
Selective Router means the equipment necessary for Selective Routing. "Selective Routing" is the automatic routing of 911/E911 calls to the PSAP that has jurisdictional responsibility for the service address of the caller, irrespective of telephone company exchange or Wire Center boundaries. Selective Routing may also be used for other services.
IntraLATA LEC Toll means IntraLATA Toll traffic carried solely by a Local Exchange Carrier and not by an IXC. "IntraLATA Toll Traffic" describes IntraLATA Traffic outside the Local Calling Area.
Eligible customer-generator means a customer that owns and operates, or contracts with other
Generator Planned Outage means the scheduled removal from service, in whole or in part, of a generating unit for inspection, maintenance or repair with the approval of the Office of the Interconnection in accordance with the PJM Manuals.
Local Service Request (LSR) means the form used to input orders to the Local Service Center (LSC) by CLEC, including, but not limited to orders to add, establish, change or disconnect services.
Non-Administrator Dialysis Facility means a Dialysis Facility which does not have an agreement with the Claim Administrator or another Blue Cross and/or Blue Shield Plan but has been certified in accordance with the guidelines established by Medicare.
Selective Routing is a service which automatically routes an E911 call to the PSAP that has jurisdictional responsibility for the service address of the telephone that dialed 911, irrespective of telephone company exchange or Wire Center boundaries.
Line Information Data Base (LIDB) means a transaction-oriented database system that functions as a centralized repository for data storage and retrieval. LIDB is accessible through CCS networks. LIDB contains records associated with End User line numbers and special billing numbers. LIDB accepts queries from other network elements and provides return result, return error, and return reject responses as appropriate. Examples of information that Account Owners might store in LIDB and in their Line Records are: ABS Validation Data, Originating Line Number Screening (OLNS) data, ZIP Code data, and Calling Name Information.
Number Portability Administration Center or "NPAC" means one (1) of the seven (7) regional number portability centers involved in the dissemination of data associated with ported numbers. The NPACs were established for each of the seven (7) original Xxxx Operating Company regions so as to cover the fifty (50) states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. territories in the North American Numbering Plan area. "Numbering Plan Area" or "NPA" is also sometimes referred to as an area code. It is a unique three-digit indicator that is defined by the "X," "X" and "C" digits of each 10-digit telephone number within the NANP. Each NPA contains 800 possible NXX Codes. There are two (2) general categories of NPA. "Geographic NPA" is associated with a defined geographic area and all telephone numbers bearing such NPA are associated with services provided within that geographic area. A "Non-Geographic NPA," also known as a "Service Access Code" (SAC Code), is typically associated with a specialized Telecommunications Service which may be provided across multiple geographic NPA areas; 500, Toll Free Service NPAs, 700, and 900 are examples of Non-Geographic NPAs. "NXX," "NXX Code," "Central Office Code," or "CO Code" is the three- (3)-digit Switch entity code which is defined by the "D," "E" and "F" digits of a ten- (10) digit telephone number within the NANP. "Operational Support Systems" or "OSS" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 12. "Optional Testing" is testing conducted by CenturyLink, at the request of CLEC, that is in lieu of testing CLEC should complete to isolate trouble to the CenturyLink network prior to submitting a trouble ticket to CenturyLink.
Random selection process means a process by which currently income-eligible households are selected for placement in affordable housing units such that no preference is given to one applicant over another except for purposes of matching household income and size with an appropriately priced and sized affordable unit (e.g., by lottery).
Emergency expulsion means the removal of a student from school because the student’s statements or behavior pose an immediate and continuing danger to other students or school personnel, or an immediate and continuing threat of material and substantial disruption of the educational process, subject to the requirements in WAC 392-400-510 through 392-400-530
Alternate Billing Service (ABS) means a service that allows End Users to bill calls to accounts that may not be associated with the originating line. There are three types of ABS calls: calling card, collect and third number billed calls.