Examples of Active TSO in a sentence
For double sided Nominations, both Network Users shall apply the procedure as described in section 3.2. Active Network User in single sided NominationsThe Active Network User has the task of communicating with the Active TSO for the daily nomination procedures (the Active Network User nominates on behalf of himself and on behalf of the Passive Network User).
Single sided nomination requires the roles of the respective Grid Users and TSOs to be defined, as described in sections and The TSO shall publish on its website (www.fluxys.com/belgium)4 a list of Interconnection Points with an indication of the role of the TSO at that Interconnection Point (Active TSO or Passive TSO).
The Nominations on both sides of the Interconnection Point shall be matched according to the procedure described in section 4.3.1. Single sided nomination refers to the process whereby only one of the Grid Users (referred to as the Active Grid User) submits a Nomination to only one of the respective TSOs (referred to as the Active TSO).
For double sided Nominations, both Grid Users shall apply the procedure as described in section 3.2. Active Grid User in single sided NominationsThe Active Grid User has the task of communicating with the Active TSO for the daily nomination procedures (the Active Grid User nominates on behalf of himself and on behalf of the Passive Grid User).
Single sided nomination requires the roles of the respective Network Users and TSOs to be defined, as described in sections and The TSO shall publish on its website (www.fluxys.com/belgium) a list of Interconnection Points with an indication of the role of the TSO at that Interconnection Point (Active TSO or Passive TSO).
The Grid User having the contractual relationship with the Active TSO shall be the Active Grid User and vice versa.
The Network User having the contractual relationship with the Active TSO shall be the Active Network User and vice versa.
Article 12 of the Network Code contains rules on the procedure and the manner of submitting of Nominations, rules for Single-Sided nominations, i.e. Double-Sided nominations, the procedure of Nominations in case where the Transporter is an Active TSO, or when the Transporter is a Passive TSO, and the rule of equal Nominations.
Single sided nomination refers to the process whereby only one of the Network Users (referred to as the Active Network User) submits a Nomination to only one of the respective TSOs (referred to as the Active TSO).
The Network Users who have reserved bundled capacity at the IP shall submit Single Sided Nominations to GASTRANS as an Active TSO.