Examples of Adjacent TSO in a sentence
This states that ‘National Grid NTS will not agree with the Adjacent TSO to amend the Relevant Interconnection Provisions in relation to an Interconnection Point except…pursuant to a Code Modification which authorises such agreement’.
The split factor of the premium between the TSO and the Adjacent TSO is described in the PRISMA GTC’s.
For the avoidance of doubt, the TSO cannot be held liable toward the Network User for damages incurred by the Adjacent TSO for which such Adjacent TSO is indemnified by the TSO.
The liability of the TSO for claims by an Adjacent TSO is limited pursuant to the Interconnection Agreement between the TSOs, as the case may be.
The corresponding existing Unbundled Capacity at the Adjacent TSO side of the Interconnection Point will be bundled with existing or newly acquired unbundled Entry, Exit, Wheeling or OCUC Services at the TSO side of the Interconnection Point insofar available.
Allocate as nominate is also obligatory should a request be made for this rule by an Interconnection Point TSO to its Adjacent TSO.
In case TSO is not able to acquire within 4 Business Days after the request for subscription of Transmission Services for Dunkirk LNG Terminal the necessary Cross Border Capacity on the grid of the Adjacent TSO, TSO will withdraw the allocated Transmission Services on its grid for the same period and quantity for which the TSO was not able to acquire the Cross Border Capacity on the grid of the Adjacent TSO.
Interconnected System Capacity in relation to an Auction is the amount of Equivalent Interconnected System Capacity which (in accordance with the Adjacent TSO Rulebook) is available for allocation (subject to being bundled with Interconnection Point Capacity, or unbundled) in that Auction.
In double sided nominations, matching nominations have to be submitted to both Fluxys Belgium and the Adjacent TSO, while in single sided nominations only one nomination is required with one of the TSOs The TSOs have to define in which network the network users will be the active and the passive network users, whereby the active network user is sending the nominations as described above towards the active TSO.
Auction is a Bundled Auction where (under the Adjacent TSO Rulebook) the price of Interconnected System Capacity at the Interconnection Point, or (in the case of a Binary Interconnection System Point) either of the Interconnection Points, is expressed in euro (€).