Examples of Actuarial reserve in a sentence
Actuarial reserve development methods are generally used in the determination of IBNR liabilities.
Actuarial reserve studies and recorded reserves continue to be updated accordingly.
Actuarial reserve include the actuarial gains/(losses) arising from valuation of gratuity and leave encashment liability as required by NAS 19 - Employee Benefits.
Model framework: Policy reserves and modeling mortality • Actuarial reserve for an individual annuity contract is given byxt VR= Rt +1 · ax +t :n−t• Actuarial reserve for an individual endowment contract is given byxt VS = St +1 · Ax +t :n−t − PS · a¨x +t :n−t.
Actuarial reserve The actuarial reserve comprises the cumulative actuarial losses recognised in consolidated statement of other comprehensive income.