Examples of Administration funds in a sentence
The payment of federal funds under this Agreement is subject to the availability of Metropolitan Planning Organizations Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration funds appropriated by Congress.
State Administration funds to be used for ODOT's expenses related to the administration and oversight of rural transit agencies providing transit services as well as providing technical assistance.
List NIH project grants, NIH K awards, portions of NIH program projects, SCOR or Center grants, NIH contracts, Veterans Administration funds, NSF grants, NASA grants, contracts from industry, grants from other non-federal health agencies (including AHA components), any funds available to you through other Investigators, and departmental/institutional support.
The payment of public funds under this Agreement is subject to the availability of Metropolitan Planning Organizations Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration funds appropriated by Congress.
List NIH project grants, NIHK awards, portions of NIH program projects, SCOR or Center grants, NIH contracts, Veterans Administration funds, NSF grants, NASA grants, contracts from industry, grants from other non-federal health agencies (including AHA components), any funds available to you through other Investigators, and departmental/institutional support.For each entry, an overlap with this application and some description of the overlap could be requested.
Since then the local share and federal Economic Development Administration funds have been held in one separate fund by NIRPC.
The National Credit Union Administration funds its activities through assessments levied on all federally chartered credit unions and through reimbursements from the Share Insurance Fund (SIF) for its share of administrative activities.
Administration funds may be moved to other line items, with permission from the grantee, in the form of a contract amendment.
Administration funds expended by ARB for this Program may be used by a local agency for the administration of a local agency project covered by a fully executed grant agreement.
For each project that is to utilize Federal Highway Administration funds, the requesting division shall prepare a FMIS form to request the obligation of funds and authorization from FHWA for the consultant to proceed with preliminary engineering, right-of-way, construction engineering, or project management on the project.