Administrative Centre definition

Administrative Centre means the central administrative offices of the Network located at the Network Host.
Administrative Centre means the central administrative offices of the BL-Network;
Administrative Centre means the central administrative offices of the Centre.

Examples of Administrative Centre in a sentence

  • This document is updated every six months, every March and September.Manila (Global) Administrative Centre (MAC) – aspiring to be a Centre of Excellence The Manila (Global) Administrative Centre (MGAC) is IOM’s global administrative centre based in Manila which provides a range of administrative services mainly covering human resources, finance, procurement, online communication, PRISM, and information technology to IOM Headquarters (HQ) and Field Offices.

  • Board meetings are held in the York Region Administrative Centre located in the Town of Newmarket.

  • Meetings will generally be held at the York Region Administrative Centre, located at 17250 Yonge Street in Newmarket.

  • Having the Southern Border Provinces Administrative Centre as the main agency responsible for the implementation of development projects in the southern border provinces to improve the quality of life of the Malayu-descended Thais.

  • The Recipient’s Address is: Office of the Prime Minister Administrative Centre Kingstown Saint Xxxxxxx and The Grenadines Facsimile: (000) 000 0000 5.03.

More Definitions of Administrative Centre

Administrative Centre or “Centre” means the department or Ministry charged with responsibility for the development, management and maintenance of the Justice Protection Programme;
Administrative Centre means the central administrative office of the recipient organization.
Administrative Centre means the central administrative offices of the organization managing the IRDI initiative.
Administrative Centre or “Centre” means the Ministry charged with responsibility for the development, management and maintenance of the Witness Protection Programme;
Administrative Centre means an area established under section 180 for the distribution of materials and the provision of information.
Administrative Centre or “Centre” means the d e p artm e nt or Mi n i s tr y char ge d wi th r e spo n s i b ili t y fo r th e d e v e lop m e nt , mana ge m e nt an d ma i nt e nan ce of th e J ustice Protection Programme;