Examples of Advisor to the Issue in a sentence
All expenses relating to the Issue except listing fees and Professional Fees to Financial Advisor to the Issue have been divided in proportion to the Equity Shares contributed to the Issue by the Selling Shareholder and by way of fresh issue of equity shares as per the terms of authorisation letter from the Selling Shareholder.
The above cost estimation includes the initial listing fees, fees payable to the Managers and Financial Advisor to the Issue, Registrars to the Issue, Bankers to the Issue, Lawyers to the Issuer, advertising and promotional agency, costs of postage, stamp duty and printing, and brokerage commission.
The break-up of estimated Issue related expenses are as follows: (` in Lakh)ParticularsEstimated Expenses% of Estimated Issue Size% of Estimated Issue expensesFees of Lead Manager, Registrar to the Issue, Legal Advisor to the Issue, Auditors, Bankers27.501.54 Monitoring Utilization of Funds from the Issue As the proceeds from the Issue are less than ` 10,000 lakh, in terms of Regulation 16(1) of the ICDR Regulations, our Company is not required to appoint a monitoring agency for the purposes of this Issue.
SuvarnaSEBI Registration No.: IN/CRA/005/20084th Floor, Godrej Coliseum, Somaiya Hospital Road Off Eastern Express HighwaySion (East), Mumbai – 400 022 Maharashtra, IndiaTelephone No.: +91 22 6754 3456Facsimile No.: +91 22 6754 3457 Email: vijay.agrawal@careratings.com Website: www.careratings.com Contact Person: Vijay AgrawalSEBI Registration No.: IN/CRA/004/1999Legal Advisor to the Issue BMR LegalGround Floor, Dhapla House General Nagesh MargOff Dr. S.
The Share Issue Price was determined by the Company in consultation with the Manager and Financial Advisor to the Issue, Acuity Partners (Private) Limited, in accordance with the Research Report prepared by the Manager and Financial Advisor to the Issue, in line with Rule 3.1.4 (c) of the CSE Listing Rules.
The Parties to the Joint Venture shall, in proportion to their respective participating interests in the Joint Venture, determined as of the time of such indemnification, indemnify and hold harmless the Operator against any liability to third parties resulting from any act or omission of the Operator or its agents, servants or employees.
BRLM shall be responsible for ensuring that these agencies fulfill their functions and enable him to discharge this responsibility through suitable agreements with the Issuer Company.● The selection of various agencies like Registrar to the Issue, Bankers to the Issue, Bank Collection Centres, Legal Advisor to the Issue, Underwriters to the Issue, Advertising Agencies, Public Relations Agencies etc.
Above cost estimation includes the initial listing fees, fees payable to the Joint Managers and Financial Advisor to the Issue, Registrars to the Issue, Bankers to the Issue, Lawyers to the Issue, advertising and promotional agency, costs of postage, stamp duty and printing, and brokerage commission.
CONSENT Consents in writing of the Auditors, Lead Managers, Legal Advisor to the Issue, Registrar to the Issue, Bankers to our Company and Banker to the Issue to act in their respective capacity have been obtained and such consents have not been withdrawn up to the time of delivery of the Draft Letter of Offer for registration with the stock exchanges.
The estimated Issue expenses are as under:ParticularsExpenses (` in Lakhs)% of Estimated IssueSize% of the Issue ExpensesFee to the Advisor to the Issue 10.00[●][●]Fees of Registrar to the Issue 2.00[●][●]Fees payable to regulators, including Depositories and StockExchange 5.00[●][●]Statutory Advertising, Printing and Distribution 3.00[●][●]Other expenses (including miscellaneous expenses and stampduty) 17.33[●][●]Total37.33[●][●]* Subject to finalization of Basis of Allotment and actual Allotment.