Examples of AGM Members in a sentence
It shall be open to those persons to submit amendments to the Chief Executive by registered post.4. The Board shall have the right to submit alterations to the Rules to the AGM of the Association or to an EGM convened for the purpose of amending the Rules.5. Proposed alterations, amendments and addenda shall be submitted to the AGM Members by post and or electronic mail with the notice convening the AGM no later than one calendar month before the AGM, and seven (7) days for an EGM.
During the live webcast of AGM, Members may post their queries in the message box provided on the screen.
For smooth conduct of proceedings of the AGM, Members may note that the Company reserves the right to restrict number of questions and speakers during the AGM depending upon availability of Mrs.
For the purposes of the AGM, Members are considered to be those Members who are in the Register of Members at the d ate of Notice of the AGM.
As approved at A.G.M., Members are required to give 30 DAYS NOTICE of their intention to cancel their Club membership, their Club Plus gym membership or their Unlimited Sport option.
Administrative Support (vacant) is responsible for coordinating the activities of the project staff, including but not limited to booking space; coordinating materials production; payroll and personnel tasks; telecommunications support; and vendor bill payment.
For smooth conduct of proceedings of the AGM, Members may note that the Company reserves the right to restrict number of questions and speakers during the AGM depending upon availability of time.
At the RCC’s AGM, Members had commended the work of the Gardens Advisory Group.
Once the vote on a resolution is cast by the member, he shall not be allowed to change it subsequently or cast the vote again.B. Submission of questions prior to AGM: Members who would like to express their views/raise questions may please log into https://emeetings.kfintech.com and click on “Post your queries” and post their queries/views/questions in the window provided by mentioning the name, demat account number/folio number, email ID, mobile number.
The Company has engaged the services of the NSDL to provide the e-voting facility• As the AGM is being conducted through VC / OAVM, for the smooth conduct of proceedings of the AGM, Members are encouraged to express their views / send their queries at-least seven (7) days prior to the date of AGM i.e. Monday 1st August, 2022, by 5.00 pm mentioning their name, demat account number/folio number, email id, mobile number at companysecretary@tcfcfinance.