Agreement on Rules of Origin definition
Examples of Agreement on Rules of Origin in a sentence
For the purposes of this Section, origin shall be determined in accordance with Article 1 of the Agreement on Rules of Origin.
Argentina alleged violations of Articles II, X and XII of GATT 1994, Articles 1, 4 and 15 of the Agreement on Agriculture, Article 2 of the Agreement on Rules of Origin, and Article 1 of the Import Licensing Agreement.
Following the conclusion of the work programme for the harmonization of rules of origin for goods to be undertaken under the Agreement on Rules of Origin in Annex 1A of the Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organization (hereinafter referred to as "WTO Agreement") and negotiations regarding trade in services, Parties shall take the results of that work programme and those negotiations into account in amending paragraph 1 as appropriate.
The Parties reaffirm their rights and obligations under the Anti-dumping Agreement, the Subsidies Agreement and WTO Agreement on Rules of Origin (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules of Origin Agreement").
Such action would comport with the spirit of the Agreement on Rules of Origin.
Neither the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation nor the Agreement on Rules of Origin address the legal status of acts adopted by the Committee on Rules of Origin.
The Agreement on Rules of Origin (WTO-GATT 1994) annexed to the final act signed in Marrakech on 15 April 1994 (‘the Agreement’) aims to ensure that non-preferential rules of origin do not themselves create unnecessary obstacles to trade and aims to harmonise at international level rules of origin, other than rules of origin relating to the granting of tariff preferences.
It also provides for a voluntary notification of non-preferential rules of origin used for all other purposes covered by Article 1.2 of the Agreement on Rules of Origin (anti-dumping and countervailing duties under Article VI of GATT 1994, safeguard measures under Article XIX of GATT 1994, origin marking requirements under Article IX of GATT 1994, quantitative restrictions or tariff quotas, rules of origin used for government procurement and trade statistics).
United States 1 The relevant notification requirements are contained in Paragraph 2(d) of Annex 1 of the Transparency Mechanism for Preferential Trade Arrangements (WT/L/806) and in Paragraph 4 of Annex II of the Agreement on Rules of Origin.
The objective of the Agreement on Rules of Origin (the ROO Agreement) is to increase transparency, predictability, and consistency in both the preparation and application of rules of origin.