Agricultural animal definition

Agricultural animal means an agricultural animal as defined in section 717A.1 other than swine which is a member of the species sus scrofa linnaeus, including but not limited to swine commonly known as Russian boar or European boar of either sex.
Agricultural animal means an animal confined in an agricultural facility.
Agricultural animal means the same as defined in section 717A.1.

Examples of Agricultural animal in a sentence

  • Industrial metal detectors including the AD4971 are also used on production lines for the products below :● Food and confectionery● Agricultural, animal or seafood products● Medical products● Clothes● Shoes● Cardboards● Chemical materials It is commonly said that we don’t perceive contaminants in food products if their size is less than 1mm.

  • Agricultural animal slaughtering use type refers to the slaughtering of animals to be used in making meat products on the same premises.

  • Mexico: Types of Licenses for Insurance Intermediaries Type of License Description A Personal and family risksB Personal and P & C insurance business risksC Special risksD Agricultural, animal insuranceE Credit insuranceF SuretiesG Special Source: CNSF.

  • Agricultural animal waste is associated with various pathogens in streams; these can include E.

  • Agricultural, animal health, and chemical products include plant growth regulators, including ProGibb-Registered Trademark-; herbicides; larvicides, including VectoBac-Registered Trademark-; and biologically derived insecticides, including DiPel-Registered Trademark- and XenTari-Registered Trademark-.

  • Agricultural animal producers have the potential to reduce methane releases from livestock and its manure by considering feed alternatives and utilizing methane capture for combined heat and power production (EPA 2007m).

  • Proposals should emphasize educational content teaching:• Agricultural animal veterinary practice enhancement techniques and strategies• Best practices for delivering quality veterinary services in rural areas, and/or• Veterinary approaches to foster food safety, epidemiology, or veterinary public health.

  • Article 6 Agricultural, animal and food commodities exported by either of the Contracting Party to the other Contracting Party shall fulfill agricultural and sanitary conditions applied in the importing country.

  • Agricultural animal slurry and manure are the most common materials applied to soil.

More Definitions of Agricultural animal

Agricultural animal means the same as defined
Agricultural animal means the same as defined in

Related to Agricultural animal

  • agricultural area means any area taken up by arable land, permanent grassland and permanent pasture or permanent crops;

  • Agricultural purposes ’ means purposes normally or otherwise reasonably associated with the use of land for agricultural activities, including the use of land for structures, buildings and dwelling units reasonably necessary for or related to

  • Agricultural land means land suitable for use in farming.

  • Agricultural property means property that is used primarily for agricultural purposes but, without derogating from section 9 of the Act, excludes any portion thereof that is used commercially for the hospitality of guests, and excludes the use of the property for the purpose of eco-tourism or for the trading in or hunting of game;

  • Agricultural equipment includes but is not limited to tractors; trailers; combines; tillage, planting, and cultivating implements; balers; irrigation implements; and all-terrain vehicles.

  • Agricultural purpose means a purpose related to the production, harvest, exhibition, marketing, transportation, processing, or manufacture of agricultural products by a natural person who cultivates, plants, propagates, or nurtures the agricultural products. "Agricultural products" includes agricultural, horticultural, viticultural, and dairy products, livestock, wildlife, poultry, bees, forest products, fish and shellfish, and any products thereof, including processed and manufactured products, and any and all products raised or produced on farms and any processed or manufactured products thereof.

  • Agricultural lien means an interest, other than a security interest, in farm products:

  • Agricultural operation means an agricultural operation as defined in the Agricultural Operation Practices Act;

  • Agriculture means farming in all its branches, including cultivation and tillage of the soil; dairying; production, cultivation, growing, and harvesting of any agricultural or horticultural commodity; raising of livestock, bees, furbearing animals, or poultry; and any practice, including any forestry or lumbering operations, performed on a farm in conjunction with farming operations, including preparation and delivery of produce to storage, to market, or to carriers for transportation to market;